Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Learning How to Discuss Things Again

 I disagree with people a lot of the time.  Its called having an opinion.  

I, for example am a baseball fan and I root for a particular team, the Yankees.  I realize other people root for other team and except for those Boston people, it doesn't make them bad people, communist, socialists or even fascists.

Similarly I have views on what the best policies are for our country.  For example I think our citizens should be assured of adequate health care.  Some people don't consider this a Government responsibility.  I can disagree about this issue without calling the others names.

Apparently most people find that hard.

We live in a country where some people think other people are just gaming the system.  Of course some are.  The world has always been filled with con men and women.  They are hardly restricted to one particular group of people but are more visible in certain poor neighborhoods.

Still those people are not trying to change the Government, they know the Government they have and how to game it.  

What we are seeing, fanned by certain news media, is that our dominant group of citizens is in danger of becoming a minority.  

This has happened before when immigration changed the nature of this country.  We had periods of anti-Irish, anti-Italian and anti-Immigrant movements.  

Those previous immigrants have become part of the majority and have generally forgotten the animosity towards their ancestors.  

They now express animosity towards others.

People are people and most of them aren't your enemy.  If every argument becomes an attack, you may need to dial it down.  


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