Friday, August 6, 2021

Sky Still Not Falling

 Despite the dire warnings about multiple crises everything seems to be OK.

Good jobs number today, vaccinations are up and while we see some case rise we know how to stop it.

We still have immigrants at the border but except for planned photo ops they are being processed.  No one has gone out to seize your guns only your vote.

As far as becoming a socialist or fascist nation, we seem to have avoided both of those at least for anyone who knows what they mean.

Despite the best efforts of some, most our children are still getting a reasonable accurate account of our history, although our educational system has gotten a bit weaker over the last four years.

We are starting to see some actions related to climate change although it might not be early enough or strong enough.  However evy little bit does help.

Crime is still a problem but when has crime not been a problem?  More incarcerations is not the answer, maybe we need a better poverty reducing program?

Wealth inequality is problematic but that's not an easy solution.  We are and always will be the land of opportunity because of our capitalism.  We can of course help the poor among us.

The success of our systems must be about the poorest among us, not the richest.  Merit is not about how much money you were born into, at least it shouldn't be.

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