Monday, August 2, 2021

Six Months In

Despite the arguments some here on silly right wing media, the country is demonstrably better off today than it was before the election.

Not everything is perfect, it never will be, but despite their best attempts, most of America is not willing to believe their fantasies when their own eyes tell them otherwise.

We are in back to school season and while there are some school supply shortages, we can deal with that in exchange for a more normal school year.

Most places have eased mask restrictions and the problems are becoming centered on the unvaccinated.  yes a small number of vaccinated people still get covid but something like 98% of the hospitalized serious cases are unvaccinated.  That should give you something to think about.

There is still no evidence of election fraud and the fact that some are still saying there was is simply a tactic to pass laws designed to suppress some low income voters.  I would like to think that the American public will see it for what it is, but hard to say.

The economy is booming and may have overheated a bit leading to some inflation.  Some inflation is hardly a crisis.  

Similarly we saw an increase in violent crime last year and the early months of this year.  Its hardly a crisis but something to deal with.  It may have already subsided.

We still have people trying to come to this country and we saw an increase this year.  Maybe because of the new administration, the people who profit from this in other countries could have played up the new administration as more lenient.  Once again something to deal with, hardly a crisis.

We actually might see a large bipartisan infrastructure bill pass, helping to fix infrastructure and create jobs.

We are out of Afghanistan and it probably will revert to what is was before we intervened.  We have never been good at changing a culture.

Pretty good after only si months if you ask me.

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