Saturday, August 28, 2021

World Class Deniers

 We are getting out of Afghanistan which will be better protection for America as that recruiting example goes away.  Our support for the corruption going on there, and we knew about it, was inexcusable.  A few more chaotic days,, a few more drone strikes and we will be done except for the refugee problem we created.

I suspect that the Taliban is going to need citizens who can help them so since we are no longer at odds with them maybe many can simply adapt.  I don't anticipate peace there, factions will rise and fight for power, but that is the way it always was.

Hopefully despite the current chaos we inspired a core of men and women to fight for western ideals and a spark is sometimes enough.  

Meanwhile a big hurricane is headed for Louisiana.  I was reading an article saying that climate change is now impossible to ignore.  Really?  We have expert ignorers in this country who while dying of Covid 19 still argue its a hoax.

Call it dedication or stupidity but that's world class denial or ignorance.

Still as Covid rages Louisiana is targeted by a big hurricane.  

I hope they come out OK.

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