Monday, August 9, 2021

How Many Realities?

 If you go back, not that long ago really, say before TV, life was pretty mundane.  Sure we had books and movies but movies were pretty new with minimal special effects.  We had books like the time machine and others but while you can get caught up in reading a book it doesn't completely consume you they way some media does today.

You knew what life was, it was all around you and you couldn't avoid it.  It was pretty much the same as now, so for most of us, a lot of drudgery.  The idea was to live it as well as you could whatever that meant to you, material wealth, helping others, raising your children well.

What happened with TV was we got a glimpse into other people's homes. mot real people, TV people.  Most of them were a lot like us although they seemed to have nicer lives than the rest of us.

Meanwhile in the movies we started to see special effects that could make you feel you were there.  As computers got better we were allowed to live in universes that seemed very real.  

This was entertaining but it also led to a bit less reality in many lives.

Most of what we used to have to experience was now served to us on the small screen or in the movies.

Escape from reality started to seem like a trip to an alternate reality.

No one can be trusted because they are deceiving us all the time.

Not everybody but far too many are now convinced that reality isn't what they experience every day, its a world that only exists on a screen, big or small.

As we move further and further into virtual reality, it will only get worse.

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