Sunday, August 29, 2021


 I can't imagine the terror felt by people who wake up every day thinking the Government or some group controlling the Government is out to kill them.

I've never felt unsafe even though I was drafted during an active war.  I even knew that certain people were able to manipulate the system, say the former President, if you had enough money or the right connections.  The system wasn't out to get me, I just fit in where I fit in.

Some people today think all sorts of things about the Government. They are stealing your country, pushing dangerous vaccines, taking away your jobs and lying to you about lots of things, like climate change.  I guess the motives vary but these people believe it is because they are real Americans and the less real Americans want them out of the way.

They are convinced that the one leader who understood this had his job stolen from him.  Of course during the four years he was in charge nothing got better, in fact many people ended up dying from the phony virus that he said was a political stunt.

How terrified they must be when they are surrounded by people trying to steal their ability to go mask less.  

In response they are OK with restricting the right of those less real Americans at the ballot box.

Hell, not that long ago they were allowed to use water hoses and police dogs.

Just to protect their rights.  

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