Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Worst Crisis Of All

 Did anyone in this country wake up today to crisis conditions?  If you listen to our Republican friends we all should have, there are so many.

I guess it depends on what you call a crisis.  The pandemic certainly qualifies but around here we have a high vaccination rate and while cases are on the rise, it hasn't reached crisis level and is unlikely to.  It is worse in other less vaccinated locations but I'm not sure its a crisis when it is now essentially self imposed.  Still its the closest thing we have.

The attempt to overthrow the election on Jan 6 was a crisis but it was handled and many are locked up.  The Republicans, alarmed by so many things, seem not perturbed by that insurrection at all.  We have images of many of them cowering but apparently they cower that way from regular tourists.  I never took a tour of the Capitol but doubt that I would have to break a window to get in.

They like to play up the border crisis.  It might be a crisis for the immigrants trying to find safety and it might be a lot of overtime for the border patrol.  Not sure its a crisis when the ones who get through increase our supply of low priced labor.  

Apparently we have a crime crisis but while we had some increases, I don't get the impression that it has impacted  most people, except of course the victims.  My news is about normal things like fires and accidents with an occasional shooting.  I haven't seen any coverage of criminal mobs.  Even most protests seem over.  

The attempt to deprive some voters easy access to the polls is problematic but not what I would call a crisis.  There is no credible evidence of voter fraud but the legislatures continues to pretend it exists in Republican states.  

Still, except for the pandemic, which is now a localized crisis maybe, I didn't wake up to any crises.

The country seems to be doing OK which I guess if the worst crisis of all if you are a Republican.

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