Sunday, August 22, 2021

America is Changing

 There are some things I can understand about positions opposed to mine.  Take national debt.  The long range impact of it could be a problem and we should certainly be careful in increasing it.  I understand that position and it should be addressed.  Of course there is an argument about how the economic activity caused will increase economic activity and therefore tax revenues so it will at least partly pay or itself.  Almost the same argument as supply side economics.

What is don't understand is attempts to restrict the vote, although I fear I do understand them.  If everybody in America actually voted,, things would look much worse for Republicans, per the polls.  Much of their base are older, whiter Americans who are on the decline numerically.  So they are voters and if they were the only voters things would be much rosier for that party.  Whether this is racism or simply realpolitik, doesn't make much difference, you want your supporters to vote and others not to.

History says this is a losing battle, but it is in a transitory state right now and that is always a dangerous time for the old regime.  The eventual outcome is also not certain since while democracy should win, there may be a period of autocracy first.

That's why the focus is on the un-American things done by the new people.  They are challenging the establishment in many ways, and while this happened in the sixties it was co-opted as young white people were bought off.  That tactic won't work as well now since they are not in the majority.

The outcome should be a better, more inclusive America where there is more equal opportunity for all.

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