Friday, February 18, 2022

Acting or Stupid?

 I find it hard to believe that anyone takes anything Donald Trump says seriously.  Outside of being an egomaniac, I never considered him stupid or crazy so when he takes on that persona, like he has, I think he must be playing a role.  

He has found rabid supporters who take him seriously.  He found them when he joined the birther movement which I'm sure he knew was ridiculous, but he found a large group of people who actually believed it.  That was enough to dominate the primaries, which really isn't that hard, and he simply appealed to outliers willing to support him for a mention.

He now seems so far down the rabbit hole that he might actually believe he has enough suport to win.

Of course, he seems to know that he can't win without electoral shenanigans, so they are trying to manipulate the elections in certain states.

Will Americans fall for this?  I don't think so but famously they tend to surprise me with poor choices so maybe.  

We would have no one to blame but ourselves if we let him fool us again.

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