Wednesday, February 23, 2022


 There was a question raised at the daily press briefings about whether the issues in Ukraine replaced Climate Change as the greatest issue facing us.  The response was it didn't and that is the right answer.

It's still unclear as to what is going to happen in the Ukraine, it is possible that the Russians will decide to take over and engage in terrible brutality. That would be a horrible thing, but we have seen that before in other parts of the world.  What we have never seen is the type of worldwide disasters that climate change will unleash.

Hopefully, the sanctions and worldwide condemnation will result in a solution that everyone can live with.  It won't be a perfect one, it never is.  People have already been displaced or killed over the issue.  Still, it is not too late for a negotiated settlement of some sort.  

No one wants to see a world war break out over the Ukraine and it isn't likely.  To some Americans, gas prices going up is almost as bad.

It isn't.

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