Thursday, February 3, 2022

Saving the Planet

 Last year we did not reach our carbon emissions reduction goal.  Instead, we saw emissions imcrease by about 7%.  It should be noted that the 7% increase is after the significant reductions related to the pandemic in 2020 so we are still down about 4% from 2019.

While we made commitments at Glasgow, our odds of meeting them grow dimmer as we increase our emissions.  In addition, significant climate emissions were built into the Build Back Better initiative which is stalled.  Without incentives and tax breaks our odds of making progress diminish.

Failure to make progress is not a victory for anybody.  In addition to sea level rise, the planet will react with more and more violent storms.  

Losing the climate battle will be devastating for the world and us.  Will we adjust?  I imagine so, but similar to many things the pain increases the longer we delay.

Saving the Planet should be our number one priority.

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