Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Is This The Future Yet?

 Growing up and reading science fiction, I had high hopes for the future, thinking that humanity would be reaching the stars and setting up colonies.  Well, we have some amazing technological advances (mastered that Dick Tracy watch) but not much progress on the Flash Gordon side.

The reality of science is not able to keep up with the imaginations of men.  I wonder if I was transported from the 50s to today if I would have trouble adjusting?  I guess the portable computers we carry around and as I said the handheld communication devices (same thing) would be different bu not shocking.

We still drive cars and I while some are electric or self-driving, I think I would be able to mansge, although self-service would be new.  I guess a self-driving car could get gas without much human intervention.

When I started working, we had typewriters and people paid to use them.  Now we have less workers and smart computers pointing out errors.

What is definitely different is our politicians.  Even considering tricky Dick Nixon, we never expected them to be this oblivious to public opinion.  We also never expected public opinion to be so odd.

Unfortunately, the racism is still around if not as blatant.  It seems our belief the racists were changing was simply the fact that they went underground and developed new tactics.  

Russia is still dangerous as is China.  

Maybe I'm missing some wonderful things, we have a lot of Apps we didn't have or need back then.

We somehow managed to get dates, rent apartments, get delivery and taxis without them.

Imagine that.

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