Thursday, February 10, 2022

Inflation Thoughts

 How bad is inflation.  Well, it clearly depends.  If you are not moving or buying a car it is probably not that bad.  Energy costs are up and there is a built-in amount that we will have to live with from our economic boon but even in the worst categories like meat it depends a lot on how you spend your money.

Clearly it hurts certain people much more than others.  Fixed income people without COLAs feel the worst pinch. from higher prices but unless they plan to move its not terrible.  

In fact, homeowners have been significant beneficiaries of the increase in housing prices, building equity or profit.  

I'm not saying that paying more for a pound of hamburger isn't annoying, but it's not normally catastrophic.  When it is the problem is bigger than inflation.

Prices are not likely to come down, but these inflation numbers are measured year over year, so inflation started increasing about a year ago.  If last year's price increases exceed this year's, the rate of increase will look better.  It won't mean you are paying less.

In some ways more expensive energy and red meat could be a good thing for saving the planet and our health.  We seem to need some incentives.

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