Sunday, February 13, 2022


 I don't remember who said it but there is a quote about American consumers that comes to mind about how no one ever went broke underestimating the public.

The scams aren't restricted to things like 3 card monte or the shell game, they permeate society and I think they always did.  Of course, in this age they pop up as you do things on-line and it's almost like they have been listening in on your conversations.  They would if they could and maybe those devices on your phone or in your house are listening, they respond if you say their name so at least somewhat, 

You are being data mined all the time and it's hard to avoid.  It's not new, just more and more pervsive.

Before the internet it was a bit harder, like how pickpockets liked to watch people as they passed signs warning them to safeguard their valuables.  A normal reaction might disclose where those valuables were.

Now of course they know what we do, what we like and what we suffer from.

Some consider this an invasion of privacy, and it very well might be.  

However targeted marketing is not new, just a little more personal.

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