Saturday, February 19, 2022

Party Image

 If you consider the overall state of the nation, it is pretty good.  Wages are up, employment is high, spending is up.  We are not out of the 20 year long war in Afghanistan.  There are some areas of concern.  Inflation is high and as the world economy has picked up we see supply chain issue.  Similarly, the oil companies have been reluctant to reopen marginal wells leading to a spike is oil prices.

What is somewhat different is that we still have the last President making absurd accusations and much of the Republican party has fallen in line.  They seem to have a better coordinated game plan originally orchestrated by the Koch brothers which was to take over from the bottom up.  They have focused on winning state legislatures which enable them to control the congressional redistricting.

This has led to a situation where they are almost guaranteed control of quite a few states.  The Democrats tended to work top down which is higher visibility but not as effective.  

It is time to consider winning back some state legislatures if we want to fix redistricting and other issues at that level. 

Democrats have allowed Republicans to define many of the issues.  If you are branded as the party trying to defund the police, you are in trouble.

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