Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Cultural Appropration?

 I was watching an interview with the new Maria of West Side Story a very talented young lady who got her big break.  From what I could tell she shuld be a success and the remake should do well.  It might not and if not, her future could be uncertain.

During the interview her background was brought up and compared to the unenlightened first movie where Maria was played by a non-Latina.  Natalie Wood played the part well and when she got the part cultural appropriation was not a thing.

Now there are two potential approaches to things.  The first one says to hire the best person without regard to nationality, sex, race or anything except talent.  As good as that sounds, you have to realize that many of these decisions are too close to call.  Take the current Supreme Court opening.  Who is the best candidate in the United States?  No one can identify someone who fits that bill.  Ignoring the politics for a bit, Our top candidates are all very close in experience, education and ability.  So, in that case, other factors will dominate.  Certainly, known legal positions are important to add a liberal to the court.  The President has committed to picking a Black Women and some argue that is restrictive.  It really isn't.  Qualified candidates are available in all variations and a Black Women is certainly due a chance.

Acting is different and while auditions can be helpful is discriminating the best candidates, if we restrict the selections to only the right criteria aren't we ignoring merit?  I see historical dramas where minorities play important parts when they wouldn't have if we stuck with the culturally appropriate actor.

I'd rather see them use their skills.

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