Saturday, February 12, 2022


 Over the years we have turned Super Bowl Sunday into a sort of holiday with the build-up.  It's not a real holiday but that might just be because it falls on a Sunday.

At some point in our history and that of Western Europe we found time for recreation and sports.  It's not like humans haven't celebrated certain events but if you consider the world of the 18th or 19th century, survival was paramount.  The industrial revolution changed the way we lived and allowed people who had previously been peasants the opportunity to make money of their own.

The early days were still, by our standards, rough with everyone having to pitch in and help the family.  Child labor was normal on farms and continued until someone decided that it was unacceptable.  The fight for working mens rights was long and hard and progressed via unions and socialites who were trying to save them.

It is almost true every year, but the average person lives longer and better than the past.  They may feel things used to be better but if you measure it they are on average wrong.  The good old days were just not as good as we imagine, even if you were in the Gilded Class.  

I realize we have a holiday to celebrate the things we should give Thanks for but maybe the Superbowl is another opportunity to reflect how we have the freedom to watch with most of the country, grown men engaged in a game that is only important because we let it be.

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