Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Representing People, not Land

 We're probably not going to fix it anytime soon, but a lot of our senator represent land and not people.

The idea that the low population but generally big area states get the same number of senators as high population states is just an inequity that leads to a generally skewed Senate.  

There are a lot of fairly easy corrections but the best one would address the issue of State sovereignty.  

The colonies had varied origin stories and after the Constitution not so much.  The Midwest and west were settled as part of the Westwood migration or the gold and silver rushes.  Expansion was popular and once a territory got the necessary paperwork for a petition to congress statehood was usually granted.  

Before the Civil War there was an attempt to keep the number of slave and free states equal in number but aft not an issue.

Democracies are supposed to represent the people more or less equally but if you live in Vermont or Wyoming, you are represented in the Senate and the electoral college much better than someone in California or Texas.

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