Saturday, February 5, 2022

Economic News

 Based on reports the economy grew at the fastest rate in about 40 years similar in fact to inflation.  Inflation gets most of the headlines because negative press sells better.

Maybe it's just me but where there is good news on the economy the story always has a "but". For example, gas prices decline BUT are expected to rise again.  Undoubtedly true but they are also expected to decline again at some point.

When I shop I don't realy notice that prices are significantly higher than what I remember.  Ground beef, something I but a lot does vary in price but not by so much as to be catastrophic.  It is now listed in many varieties by fat content, grass fed or not, angus or not and of course now the meatless variety.  I generally got it in family size packages for between $4 and 5$ a pound, and it still seems to be in that range if on the high end.  

Some things are also a lot cheaper, but my point isn't that inflation doesn't exist, just that it is easily managed.  Items like new cars or houses is a whole different category if you ask me.

Meanwhile average household income has increased significantly.  In fac these are the economic headlines on CNBC today.

    Long Term Unemployment tumbles in January

    How the Biden Administration misread the inflation threat

    Black Unemployment rate drops workforce participation rises in January

   Weekly jobless claims total 238,000, fewer than expected

Those are the current headlines, right below them were the ones from Wednesday and included.

    All signs are pointing to a rough January jobs report on Friday.

Signs were wrong!


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