Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Tax Time

 Its February so I downloaded my tax software last night.  I don't have to download it but I still don't feel that having all my data on the cloud is safe.  I'll probably start them this week although I did transfer last year's info into the new year, so I guess that a start.

I keep pretty good records but my info is not well organized, so a lot of time is spent looking for documents I know I have in the big file cabinet next to my desk.  I could file things better but I would have to deal with the stuff I already didn't file so it is hardly worth it.

I could have someone do my taxes, but I've been doing them so long it would seem like giving up.  Plus, in some areas the actual truth is unknowable, like the value of the weekly donations my wife makes to goodwill.  She simply uses the drop off boxes so not receipt and no real record of what it was.  Just clothes and stuff bought some time ago that she now considers unwanted.  My valuation method is a secret.

The biggest change in recent years was the loss of the SALT deductions I used to get.  It turned me from someone getting a refund to someone paying.  I still get to pay the state and local taxes as well.

With taxes it's better to pay than to receive at the end, you had the use of the money, but getting is just more pleasant.

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