Monday, February 21, 2022

Media Shock

 A free press is a wonderful thing most of the time.  There are times when it stops negotiations by finding and releasing too much detail about the positions but then again, some use it to negotiate.  Realistically in this country and maybe the world, shock sells.

The worse things are the better the ratings.  We saw it in radio and in podcasts where being edgy and worse got good ratings.  As cable TV expanded it went from a medium with lots of boring stations to a medium with those but also stations that used an old model of attractive women telling us shocking things about, well everything.  

Much of this can be attributed to our Australian imports who learned their trade in Australia and then in Britain before importing it here.  I'm not aware if they have expanded into foreign non-English markets, I imagine they have, but the strategy made them exceedingly rich.

It's not dissimilar to the yellow journalism of the 19th century which led to what now seem like more restrained times.  The Spanish American war might have been one outcome of their methods.

The public has to be able to discern the truth and unfortunately our public seems a bit underprepared. 

Still, truth exists, and someone should figure it out.

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