Thursday, February 17, 2022

No News Here!

My first encounter with a "rabid" Fox news listener happened years ago when we had house guests who we had known a long time.  After dinner he got a big smile on his face and said let's see what Fox is up to now.  I never watched the cable news channel, so I put on the local news on the Fox channel.  This wasn't what he wanted, he wanted to see them spin lies about the shenanigans they said were going on.  I didn't know what channel they were on and he decided to give up his nightly viewing.

What was odd to me was he had the same sort of fervor as someone asking to see sporting events or a real popular TV show, not a news channel.  Over the years I realized Fox news had little to do with real news.  I would sometimes see them on the airport monitors and sometimes during breakfast at a hotel.

It turns out that the real feeding frenzy mostly takes place at night.  It also seems like they have strayed further and further afoot.  

It's worked for them as they did draw an audience.  An audience gets you sponsors, and sponsors pay the bills no integrity required.  I still don't watch the channel but over the years the one incident that seemed like they stood for integrity was when they were the first to call Arizona for Biden.  I doubt they will make a mistake like that again.

Their recipe is pretty simple.  Finc some raw meat, throw it to the audience with a backstory made up out of whole cloth and fabricate a bunch of lies om support of radical right-wing propaganda.

It works for them but I do think that Americans will realize how wrong they usually are.  

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