Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Racism On the Supreme Court

 So, Alabama can draw districts that reduce the impact of Black voters, and the Supreme Court lets it stand because they don't want to disrupt the mid-terms?  These districts have never been used in an election and you might wonder why throwing them out would be disruptive?  Alabama seems fine with confusing its Black voters if it keeps them from voting.

The racism is starting to show on the Supreme Court.  It has been racist for much of its history but many people including myself thought those days were behind us.  Apparently not.  The idea that they will hear this case on its merits so they don't need to protect Black voters this time is as logical as saying a few hangings will be found to be illegal eventually.

In the world there are two types of decisions.  The best are ones that are actually based on facts and evidence where the conclusion is the logical end result.  The second type is where the outcome is determined and then you look for ways to support it.  In our adversary system the two parties use the second method since they are representing parties.  

The Court here accepted Alabama's arguments even if they were specious because it was what they wanted the outcome to be.

How do you fix racism on the Court?  It will take time but first don't elect racists to Government.  Unfortunately, this racist decision and the ones that will follow will allow racists to get elected.  

It is self-perpetuating.

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