Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Slow Moving Disaster

 It is probably too late to avoid major impacts of climate change. It is getting less likely all the time since no one is taking the type of dramatic action that would be necessary.

In the scheme of things from a planetary point of view, this is a minor event.  From a human point of view, it's pretty major.  

While those living on islands or near the coast may be the most impacted in the short term, we are all seeing the intensity of storms increasing.  More carbon dioxide is good for plants and they like the warmer temperatures also so if water becomes available we may see deserts bloom.

Maybe not.

While the impacts of climate change qualify as a disaster for many, except for the storm victims it is a slow moving one.  Rising water will make certain areas uninhabitable and billions or even trillions of dollars of property will be destroyed.

Just taking awhile.

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