Friday, February 11, 2022

Official Records?

 It's interesting to see all of those outraged that Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, maintained a personnel e-mail server.  It might have cost her the election which led to us having a President who felt he could get away with anything and actually tried.

Keeping official records is clearly important but we have expanded that to include all documents.  Trump clearly has never cared about the rules of Government and tried to incite an insurrection to stay in office.  He got an insurrection, but it didn't lead the nation to demand he stay.

Throughout History certain people have beleived they only needed to inspire the people and they would rise up.  John Brown believed he would incite a slave uprising when he seized Harper' Ferry.  It didn't happen, 

Sometimes it does but you need a charismatic leader truly beloved by at least some of the people Trump isn't really a leader, much more of a follower who used Twitter to gather a following.He was a multiple failure as a businessman who picked up on some conspiracy theories on late night internet and lent some fame to things like the birther movement.

He is comfortable telling his rallies what they want to hear while in reality he has contempt for them

Just a lucky opportunist.

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