Saturday, February 26, 2022

Democracy Is Hard

 In all honesty, much of what you see presented in the media is not objective.  Currently we seem to be on a media train where bashing Biden for (fill in the blank) is popular.  I saw a preview for a local channel where a show representing some black views was previewed and the panel was asked if Biden had failed to keep his promises?  

The problem with that question is that it pretends he can do more than try to deliver on his promises.  Politicians do overpromise when they run for office generally.  Most of the time they should add an "I'll try to " to each promise.  Since legislation in this country requires legislation which is not solely under a single person's control the most you can hope for is attempts.

Take voting rights.  There is no question that Biden and his fellow Democrats have tried to pass voting rights legislation.  Partly because of Senate rules they have failed, at least so far.  In fact, clearly voting rights is under attack in much of the country.  The question you have to ask yourself is do you think the other party is better?

Right now, the odds are that the Democrats will take some hits in the mid-terms.  It might change but if the polls are close to accurate and if historical trends hold it could be bad.  

It won't be good for the progressive agenda if it happens.

It's been a winning strategy, getting people to stay home because of unkept promises.  

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