Money has that reputation and it is indeed well deserved.
Of course our politics are controlled by money and one may safely say that politics is the fruit of evil.
We have allowed this to be our system and in general we don't care very much.
If you consider the way people decide who to vote for, being aware of a candidate is possibly the major factor in many elections.
Its one of the reasons incumbents do so well in many elections.
Certainly it has helped certain people who got famous via media in elections.
It also helps people from well known political families.
Of course if you don't already have that name recognition you have to create it and that costs money.
However the other thing about money and politics is that politicians can never forget that it ultimately decides who people vote for.
Yes some people have specific issues that might influence them, but if you aren't doing well economically you will vote for the candidate you think will help you.
It doesn't mean you are right, it just means you are looking for hope.
When a sexist, profanity spewing, draft dodging billionaire can convince working class people that he is going to produce jobs, they vote for him.
There were some other factors, but it was the promise of better jobs and a return to the middle class that got him over the finish line.
The fact that his analysis and proposed solutions are silly didn't matter.
Similar to many scams the lure of money made people ignore reality and believe the con.
It always ends up hurting them.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Saturday Strolls
The first 100 days is a pretty arbitrary number, but we have a pretty arbitrary president so guess its an appropriate measure.
Outside of greatly increasing Government incompetence I guess he got a Supreme Court Justice nominated which may be part of the first thing.
Republicans have found out that you can lie to the working class and take care of the wealthy without consequences, at least so far.
Its bad enough when the administration attributes one real consequence to an unrelated real fact, but we now see them attribute alternate consequences to unrelated alternate facts, Topsy turvy day is here.
Well we have a sort of business man finding out Government is harder than it looks. Gee, conflicting interests, conflicting goals, lack of funds, people who want to attack and destroy you, economic issues, social issues, crime issues and of course special interest groups. Who knew?
Biggest difference is that the boss in private industry gets to hire and fire employees. In Government they have to get elected. Would be like the customers hiring the staff based on them making promises. Imagine a bunch of elected cooks working in a restaurant. Who would ever eat there?
We know we elect incompetents, look at the congressional approval rating. However, we kid ourselves thinking its all those other people. Really?
Why are the people who own guns so paranoid about people taking their guns away? Guess the personality that buys them in the first place might be a factor.
There is the America that actually exists today and the America that exists in some people's imaginations. If you don't like the one that actually exists, you are anti-American.
If you look at the newest Americans and react with revulsion, remember, that was probably how your ancestor's were viewed when they came here, they would be ashamed of you.
A certain percentage of any population are going to be criminals. But criminals aren't likely to be refugees or immigrants, they thrive in the situations that create both groups. So refugees and immigrant groups generally contain few criminals. The criminals stayed home.
I love how new politicians think that saying we will eliminate (pick any bad thing) has any actual impact. We've eliminated poverty, racism, crime, drugs, drunk driving etc. etc. that way. See how successful it is?
Remember the one thing the new president has learned apparently. Its harder than you think it is.
Outside of greatly increasing Government incompetence I guess he got a Supreme Court Justice nominated which may be part of the first thing.
Republicans have found out that you can lie to the working class and take care of the wealthy without consequences, at least so far.
Its bad enough when the administration attributes one real consequence to an unrelated real fact, but we now see them attribute alternate consequences to unrelated alternate facts, Topsy turvy day is here.
Well we have a sort of business man finding out Government is harder than it looks. Gee, conflicting interests, conflicting goals, lack of funds, people who want to attack and destroy you, economic issues, social issues, crime issues and of course special interest groups. Who knew?
Biggest difference is that the boss in private industry gets to hire and fire employees. In Government they have to get elected. Would be like the customers hiring the staff based on them making promises. Imagine a bunch of elected cooks working in a restaurant. Who would ever eat there?
We know we elect incompetents, look at the congressional approval rating. However, we kid ourselves thinking its all those other people. Really?
Why are the people who own guns so paranoid about people taking their guns away? Guess the personality that buys them in the first place might be a factor.
There is the America that actually exists today and the America that exists in some people's imaginations. If you don't like the one that actually exists, you are anti-American.
If you look at the newest Americans and react with revulsion, remember, that was probably how your ancestor's were viewed when they came here, they would be ashamed of you.
A certain percentage of any population are going to be criminals. But criminals aren't likely to be refugees or immigrants, they thrive in the situations that create both groups. So refugees and immigrant groups generally contain few criminals. The criminals stayed home.
I love how new politicians think that saying we will eliminate (pick any bad thing) has any actual impact. We've eliminated poverty, racism, crime, drugs, drunk driving etc. etc. that way. See how successful it is?
Remember the one thing the new president has learned apparently. Its harder than you think it is.
Friday, April 28, 2017
Hoods Robbing
The Robin Hood legend is a story about an outlaw who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor. Of course the story depicts the evil Prince John who is not the true king and who at the end of the story is forced to amend his ways when King Richard returns.
Now it is likely that the story actually reflect of historical accuracy in that on his way home from the Crusades Richard was captured in Bavaria and England was forced to pay a ransom that had to be raised by the Prince Regent.
So the release of Richard would have resulted in a reduction of the extra taxes and a return to normalcy.
Now whether this historical fact had anything to do with the legend of Robin Hood is impossible to determine and it is likely related to restrictions imposed on hunting in the "Royal Forests".
However the one element of the story is that he took from the wealthy to support himself and the poor.
Now the more common event throughout history is the wealthy oppressing the poor. The wealthy of course pretend that they then provide some benefit to the poor from their vast wealth, although of course this is simply their charitable nature that shows what good people they are.
Now in a democratic society we like to think that eh Government serves the people, all of the people fairly. Of course fair is in the eye of the beholder.
Wealthy people always feel that they deserve what they have, even those who were born wealthy. Now to take what is rightfully theirs and give it to the less fortunate or in their view the less industrious is simply wrong.
They deserve the money and they know how best to use it. They invest and make the economy grow and provide jobs to "those" people. They should have to work for what they want and if the pay is insufficient, well they should have been born better.
Now in America you really are pretty much on your own as opposed to most other countries. We do of course spend more on defense than anyone else, by far, and that still doesn't seem to be enough.
With that much of our taxes going to defense, we don't have enough to provide health care, decent old age pensions or education. So borrow what you need and pay it back to wealthy people with interest.
An educated population is both a great asset to the nation and a great danger to the wealthy, so we need to saddle them with obligations that keep them in their place.
We don't want to be like those socialist countries in Europe where people get things handed to them, we need them to struggle, fight in our wars and survive as best they can before they are forced to live on inadequate old age benefits with unaffordable health bills.
I don't see much of Robin Hood in all of this, more like the reverse, or Hoods Robbing.
Now it is likely that the story actually reflect of historical accuracy in that on his way home from the Crusades Richard was captured in Bavaria and England was forced to pay a ransom that had to be raised by the Prince Regent.
So the release of Richard would have resulted in a reduction of the extra taxes and a return to normalcy.
Now whether this historical fact had anything to do with the legend of Robin Hood is impossible to determine and it is likely related to restrictions imposed on hunting in the "Royal Forests".
However the one element of the story is that he took from the wealthy to support himself and the poor.
Now the more common event throughout history is the wealthy oppressing the poor. The wealthy of course pretend that they then provide some benefit to the poor from their vast wealth, although of course this is simply their charitable nature that shows what good people they are.
Now in a democratic society we like to think that eh Government serves the people, all of the people fairly. Of course fair is in the eye of the beholder.
Wealthy people always feel that they deserve what they have, even those who were born wealthy. Now to take what is rightfully theirs and give it to the less fortunate or in their view the less industrious is simply wrong.
They deserve the money and they know how best to use it. They invest and make the economy grow and provide jobs to "those" people. They should have to work for what they want and if the pay is insufficient, well they should have been born better.
Now in America you really are pretty much on your own as opposed to most other countries. We do of course spend more on defense than anyone else, by far, and that still doesn't seem to be enough.
With that much of our taxes going to defense, we don't have enough to provide health care, decent old age pensions or education. So borrow what you need and pay it back to wealthy people with interest.
An educated population is both a great asset to the nation and a great danger to the wealthy, so we need to saddle them with obligations that keep them in their place.
We don't want to be like those socialist countries in Europe where people get things handed to them, we need them to struggle, fight in our wars and survive as best they can before they are forced to live on inadequate old age benefits with unaffordable health bills.
I don't see much of Robin Hood in all of this, more like the reverse, or Hoods Robbing.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Tax Proposal
The tax proposal is based on a specific premise that has not proven true in the past. If you let wealthy people and businesses keep more of the money they make, they will use that to make more money and jobs.
Now to be clear, they will use the extra money to make more money, but whether that has a meaningful impact on jobs is the questionable part.
In one way the question that is significant is that reduced taxes means less spending by the Government, or at least it should. The Government doesn't keep money lying around, all of it goes to providing services or benefits which puts that money into circulation, almost exclusively in this country.
So you have Government jobs or money provided to people who spend it almost immediately generating jobs in various consumer areas.
Wealthy people have many more options.
Many of these options don't involve spending the money or investing the money in this country.
Some of those investments will go to foreign countries where it may in fact generate some jobs.
Some will go to improved technology that will eliminate some jobs while creating some in the areas where the technology is built, which doesn't have to be in this country.
Some may be spent on foreign luxury items which is certainly good for the countries producing those items.
Now the uses of the money are all legal and legitimate and I certainly don't begrudge them the choice on how to spend their money.
I am simply pointing out that except in a fantasy world the money doesn't build up coal mines, or steel factories or pretty much any other American industry to any great extent. Industry expands to satisfy customer demand. Yes, reducing cost may reduce the cost supply cost that might have some impact on demand, but its not true when the customers already have plenty of cheap supply.
Of course changes in price would impacts demand to some extent, but the cost of production is much more dependent of actual production costs, not taxes. There have always been ways to avoid taxes and the actual impact of a lower tax rate is hard to determine.
But French wine producers and German car manufacturers should have a good year.
American coal miners and factory workers, not as much.
Now to be clear, they will use the extra money to make more money, but whether that has a meaningful impact on jobs is the questionable part.
In one way the question that is significant is that reduced taxes means less spending by the Government, or at least it should. The Government doesn't keep money lying around, all of it goes to providing services or benefits which puts that money into circulation, almost exclusively in this country.
So you have Government jobs or money provided to people who spend it almost immediately generating jobs in various consumer areas.
Wealthy people have many more options.
Many of these options don't involve spending the money or investing the money in this country.
Some of those investments will go to foreign countries where it may in fact generate some jobs.
Some will go to improved technology that will eliminate some jobs while creating some in the areas where the technology is built, which doesn't have to be in this country.
Some may be spent on foreign luxury items which is certainly good for the countries producing those items.
Now the uses of the money are all legal and legitimate and I certainly don't begrudge them the choice on how to spend their money.
I am simply pointing out that except in a fantasy world the money doesn't build up coal mines, or steel factories or pretty much any other American industry to any great extent. Industry expands to satisfy customer demand. Yes, reducing cost may reduce the cost supply cost that might have some impact on demand, but its not true when the customers already have plenty of cheap supply.
Of course changes in price would impacts demand to some extent, but the cost of production is much more dependent of actual production costs, not taxes. There have always been ways to avoid taxes and the actual impact of a lower tax rate is hard to determine.
But French wine producers and German car manufacturers should have a good year.
American coal miners and factory workers, not as much.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Politician Lies
Thee is a general belief that all politicians lie and lots of fact checking going on to prove it.
This of course has led to a feeling that since they all do it, it is something that doesn't really matter much.
However, the things we consider lying vary quite a bit.
What all politicians and pretty much all people do is overstate their own accomplishments.
This is pretty much exaggeration and when one of them claims to have reduced something by x% or save $Y it is pretty certain they are using the most favorable number they possibly can.
They are trying to sell you one something and this is mostly just exaggeration. It might not even technically be lying, depending on the situation but we sort of lump it in as such.
What is less common although just a bit so, is misrepresenting past positions.
Politicians and people evolve or change views over time. However it is sometimes in a politician's best interests to say they always supported something, even thought they may not have.
The problem here is that often explaining a complex evolution in a speech is tricky so its easier to simply say what you currently support.
The fact that you may have felt, or voted differently at some point in the past, may be indicative of any number of things, but of course lying about how you felt is probably the real issue.
You wouldn't think they have to do it but the public is as fickle as can be so its always easier in front of certain groups to say you always supported them, even if only in your heart, than to explain how you evolved.
The way you lie about the past and the degree are what is important here, but its not the worst sort of lie, depending on exactly how long you stick to the lie.
They lying that is least common but the worst of the lot is simply lying about what your current positions are.
The first two are somewhat understandable in that you are trying to paint the best possible picture of yourself. However, that picture should be currently accurate. In fact the first two become problems since they may indicate your current position is not real or reliable.
When you are willing to lie completely about what you will do or what your intentions are you have now gone to full out lying.
This is the one that actually can have lasting consequences for people who believe your are currently sincere. Generally, these type of liars get caught but it is a very few who can lie and stand behind the lies, arguing that they are right and every one else is wrong.
We have ended up with the worst type of liar in the office of the president and we have to deal with that for the next four years.
Hopefully we won't be fooled again.
This of course has led to a feeling that since they all do it, it is something that doesn't really matter much.
However, the things we consider lying vary quite a bit.
What all politicians and pretty much all people do is overstate their own accomplishments.
This is pretty much exaggeration and when one of them claims to have reduced something by x% or save $Y it is pretty certain they are using the most favorable number they possibly can.
They are trying to sell you one something and this is mostly just exaggeration. It might not even technically be lying, depending on the situation but we sort of lump it in as such.
What is less common although just a bit so, is misrepresenting past positions.
Politicians and people evolve or change views over time. However it is sometimes in a politician's best interests to say they always supported something, even thought they may not have.
The problem here is that often explaining a complex evolution in a speech is tricky so its easier to simply say what you currently support.
The fact that you may have felt, or voted differently at some point in the past, may be indicative of any number of things, but of course lying about how you felt is probably the real issue.
You wouldn't think they have to do it but the public is as fickle as can be so its always easier in front of certain groups to say you always supported them, even if only in your heart, than to explain how you evolved.
The way you lie about the past and the degree are what is important here, but its not the worst sort of lie, depending on exactly how long you stick to the lie.
They lying that is least common but the worst of the lot is simply lying about what your current positions are.
The first two are somewhat understandable in that you are trying to paint the best possible picture of yourself. However, that picture should be currently accurate. In fact the first two become problems since they may indicate your current position is not real or reliable.
When you are willing to lie completely about what you will do or what your intentions are you have now gone to full out lying.
This is the one that actually can have lasting consequences for people who believe your are currently sincere. Generally, these type of liars get caught but it is a very few who can lie and stand behind the lies, arguing that they are right and every one else is wrong.
We have ended up with the worst type of liar in the office of the president and we have to deal with that for the next four years.
Hopefully we won't be fooled again.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
How to be 100% Right
We have a new concept of being right. Just say you were even if all the facts seem to indicate you weren't.
Surprisingly no one ever thought this would work, but in our world of alternate facts it seems to.
Now you would think that it would be easily contradicted, but anyone who does is promoting fake news.
This seems to be some combination of Alice in Wonderland and 1984 in Washington now.
Now the fact that the government is ineffective might actually be a good thing.
Its more the actual bungling that worries me.
What is going to happen in Korea is hard to predict.
The lunatic in North Korea is capable of almost anything and our lunatic is just as bad, as long as he is not the one put at risk.
Winning a war against a country like North Korea is not an easy thing, and like the last time, don't think China would let us overrun it.
Now, since there are no cooler heads involved, what might happen is totally random.
Who is provoking who is sort of an irrelevant question.
We have allies there who could be harmed tremendously.
We have troops there in danger.
What we are trying to achieve is poorly defined and likely to be impossible.
Hopefully its all just a bad dream and will fade away with a smile on its fact.
We know that whatever happens, our lunatic will say he was right.
Surprisingly no one ever thought this would work, but in our world of alternate facts it seems to.
Now you would think that it would be easily contradicted, but anyone who does is promoting fake news.
This seems to be some combination of Alice in Wonderland and 1984 in Washington now.
Now the fact that the government is ineffective might actually be a good thing.
Its more the actual bungling that worries me.
What is going to happen in Korea is hard to predict.
The lunatic in North Korea is capable of almost anything and our lunatic is just as bad, as long as he is not the one put at risk.
Winning a war against a country like North Korea is not an easy thing, and like the last time, don't think China would let us overrun it.
Now, since there are no cooler heads involved, what might happen is totally random.
Who is provoking who is sort of an irrelevant question.
We have allies there who could be harmed tremendously.
We have troops there in danger.
What we are trying to achieve is poorly defined and likely to be impossible.
Hopefully its all just a bad dream and will fade away with a smile on its fact.
We know that whatever happens, our lunatic will say he was right.
Monday, April 24, 2017
Wall or Healthcare?
It seems that the major sticking points in funding the Government right now come down to build a wall or at least fund a study or we will cut funds off for the Affordable Care Act.
Now the wall is an unnecessary project but in the scheme of unnecessary government projects it isn't the worst idea ever.
In fact, there is an old adage about giving someone enough rope to make their own noose.
Republicans need democrats to pass a spending bill because many in their own party oppose the spending increases. The wall qualifies to some extent as an infrastructure project that will give some people jobs. The fact that it won't work and will if ever completed stand as a monument to the stupidity of this promise is possibly the best thing about it.
On the other hand, guaranteeing the subsidies for the Affordable Care Act will allow insurance companies to project more reasonable premiums for the next year and could go a long way to institutionalizing health care for many Americans. Further progress on universal health care can proceed but keeping the gains we already have is essential.
Considering that the republicans can't come up with a workable replacement this might even lead to some bi-partisan efforts to improve what we already have.
The wall as a glaring example of the idiocy of this administration will continue to be debated among republicans every year going forward. It might be the gift that keeps on giving for admittedly a few billion dollars, but it will create some jobs.
With the bonus of funding the Government for the rest of this fiscal year.
Seems easy enough if you think it through.
Now the wall is an unnecessary project but in the scheme of unnecessary government projects it isn't the worst idea ever.
In fact, there is an old adage about giving someone enough rope to make their own noose.
Republicans need democrats to pass a spending bill because many in their own party oppose the spending increases. The wall qualifies to some extent as an infrastructure project that will give some people jobs. The fact that it won't work and will if ever completed stand as a monument to the stupidity of this promise is possibly the best thing about it.
On the other hand, guaranteeing the subsidies for the Affordable Care Act will allow insurance companies to project more reasonable premiums for the next year and could go a long way to institutionalizing health care for many Americans. Further progress on universal health care can proceed but keeping the gains we already have is essential.
Considering that the republicans can't come up with a workable replacement this might even lead to some bi-partisan efforts to improve what we already have.
The wall as a glaring example of the idiocy of this administration will continue to be debated among republicans every year going forward. It might be the gift that keeps on giving for admittedly a few billion dollars, but it will create some jobs.
With the bonus of funding the Government for the rest of this fiscal year.
Seems easy enough if you think it through.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Science Is Knowledge
The word science comes from the Latin word that means knowledge. So maybe we should call it what it is, knowledge.
Some people seem to think that science is something that scientists do. That is a pretty modern concept, because for most of human existence knowing was an essential part of survival.
For many of us, science is now something done by people in white coats in labs. That's sort of how it was taught in High School and what we do in our everyday lives is just living.
Of course in many ways we don't need to know as much as we once did, while have a lot more data available.
Few of us know how to start a fire from raw materials, although we may vaguely remember it has something to do with rubbing two sticks together, we use matches or lighters if we need to start one.
We observe the changing of the seasons but its more of a curiosity to us than a vital message from nature about what to expect.
Knowledge (science) to our ancestors was essential to survival, and the people with the knowledge were extremely valuable.
Of course it still is and they still are, but many of us don't realize it.
We used to know that we had to get ready for the winter, our knowledge told us so, but now we ignore the knowledge that we need to stop warming the planet.
Just like striking steel with flint produces a spark that can start a fire, filling the atmosphere with carbon will warm the earth. It isn't arguable, it simply is a fact.
Now in addition to whatever we are doing, the earth is doing things on its own. That not conflicting.
We are entering an age where many people think that they can disregard what the scientists are telling them because well its how they feel.
Of course how they feel is irrelevant, the citizens of Pompeii didn't feel the volcano was going to erupt, but it did and they still died.
Some of the things we hear about science are hard for us to understand, and may not seem relevant to our daily lives. Of course subatomic particles and theoretical physics is something that is difficult to understand, but we see the results in the products we use everyday.
The knowledge obtained in the past has led to the technology that surrounds us now, and the research of today will be used in the future.
Its more than Tang.
Some people seem to think that science is something that scientists do. That is a pretty modern concept, because for most of human existence knowing was an essential part of survival.
For many of us, science is now something done by people in white coats in labs. That's sort of how it was taught in High School and what we do in our everyday lives is just living.
Of course in many ways we don't need to know as much as we once did, while have a lot more data available.
Few of us know how to start a fire from raw materials, although we may vaguely remember it has something to do with rubbing two sticks together, we use matches or lighters if we need to start one.
We observe the changing of the seasons but its more of a curiosity to us than a vital message from nature about what to expect.
Knowledge (science) to our ancestors was essential to survival, and the people with the knowledge were extremely valuable.
Of course it still is and they still are, but many of us don't realize it.
We used to know that we had to get ready for the winter, our knowledge told us so, but now we ignore the knowledge that we need to stop warming the planet.
Just like striking steel with flint produces a spark that can start a fire, filling the atmosphere with carbon will warm the earth. It isn't arguable, it simply is a fact.
Now in addition to whatever we are doing, the earth is doing things on its own. That not conflicting.
We are entering an age where many people think that they can disregard what the scientists are telling them because well its how they feel.
Of course how they feel is irrelevant, the citizens of Pompeii didn't feel the volcano was going to erupt, but it did and they still died.
Some of the things we hear about science are hard for us to understand, and may not seem relevant to our daily lives. Of course subatomic particles and theoretical physics is something that is difficult to understand, but we see the results in the products we use everyday.
The knowledge obtained in the past has led to the technology that surrounds us now, and the research of today will be used in the future.
Its more than Tang.
Saturday, April 22, 2017
UK has a Good Day
Yesterday the UK had a full day without needing any coal based energy. This was the first time since the 1880s.
Now they still will need coal for a while but the switch to less polluting sources is moving faster than predicted and the change is going to be good for the economy, good for the earth, good for the children.
It will displace some coal miners.
Coal mining was a rich part of some of Britain's history, especially in the heavy mining parts but it permeated much of their culture.
It was a dirty, oppressive job which inspired unions, protests and the image of the gritty coal miner working hard to support his family under dangerous conditions.
It did provide a wage for many and spurred development in those districts which are now diminishing as the need for coal decreases.
It is of course a natural economic cycle, the growth boom years, the steady production years and now the decline.
What was viewed as a way of life was really in the scheme of history a temporary blip, but which viewed in the span of human lifespans a long tradition.
Like all those things, it is better in the remembering than it was in the doing.
Mining coal is a dirty back breaking job with serious health issues involved which led to the early death of many and which, while powering England's Industrial Revolution, also polluted the air and led to health problems for those breathing the polluted air.
Seeing it fade away should be a cause of celebration, although of course the coal miners are losing jobs.
The free market and common sense has doomed coal, lets let it die honorably.
Now they still will need coal for a while but the switch to less polluting sources is moving faster than predicted and the change is going to be good for the economy, good for the earth, good for the children.
It will displace some coal miners.
Coal mining was a rich part of some of Britain's history, especially in the heavy mining parts but it permeated much of their culture.
It was a dirty, oppressive job which inspired unions, protests and the image of the gritty coal miner working hard to support his family under dangerous conditions.
It did provide a wage for many and spurred development in those districts which are now diminishing as the need for coal decreases.
It is of course a natural economic cycle, the growth boom years, the steady production years and now the decline.
What was viewed as a way of life was really in the scheme of history a temporary blip, but which viewed in the span of human lifespans a long tradition.
Like all those things, it is better in the remembering than it was in the doing.
Mining coal is a dirty back breaking job with serious health issues involved which led to the early death of many and which, while powering England's Industrial Revolution, also polluted the air and led to health problems for those breathing the polluted air.
Seeing it fade away should be a cause of celebration, although of course the coal miners are losing jobs.
The free market and common sense has doomed coal, lets let it die honorably.
Friday, April 21, 2017
Each vote should be equal
Well, the guy who wasted lots of time and money investigating nothing has decided to leave the congress when there might be something worth investigating.
I don't think that being in Congress right now is a good thing for the Republicans. They are fighting among themselves and can't blame the President for the fact that they can't pass anything.
Unfortunately, the crazies may impact the rest of us if they can't agree on a spending measure to fund the Government.
There are so many safe districts now its hard to imagine them losing control of congress until the districts get redrawn.
It does make you wonder why we can't come up with a better solution.
Its fairly easy to see that the current system rewards geography over population.
Since the large urban centers tend to be heavily democratic, its easy to mitigate the influence of those voters by having districts that are high percentage democrat while gerrymandering the rest of the districts to have small republican majorities.
This has led to the following non-democratic result where more votes were cast for democratic candidates for the House, the Senate and the President, yet all three are controlled by republicans.
Without some significant changes, this may continue for quite a while, but while the Electoral College and the Senate are influenced by our Constitution and our State sizes, the congress is the most undemocratic one of all because of gerrymandering.
The congress is the one where the majority should win and while we have seen a few recent court decisions negating biased redistricting, there is a lot more.
Unfortunately, this is nothing new, but computers have increased its effectiveness and it probably would require an entirely new approach to be fixed and fair permanently.
Making each vote equal is something we should all agree on.
I don't think that being in Congress right now is a good thing for the Republicans. They are fighting among themselves and can't blame the President for the fact that they can't pass anything.
Unfortunately, the crazies may impact the rest of us if they can't agree on a spending measure to fund the Government.
There are so many safe districts now its hard to imagine them losing control of congress until the districts get redrawn.
It does make you wonder why we can't come up with a better solution.
Its fairly easy to see that the current system rewards geography over population.
Since the large urban centers tend to be heavily democratic, its easy to mitigate the influence of those voters by having districts that are high percentage democrat while gerrymandering the rest of the districts to have small republican majorities.
This has led to the following non-democratic result where more votes were cast for democratic candidates for the House, the Senate and the President, yet all three are controlled by republicans.
Without some significant changes, this may continue for quite a while, but while the Electoral College and the Senate are influenced by our Constitution and our State sizes, the congress is the most undemocratic one of all because of gerrymandering.
The congress is the one where the majority should win and while we have seen a few recent court decisions negating biased redistricting, there is a lot more.
Unfortunately, this is nothing new, but computers have increased its effectiveness and it probably would require an entirely new approach to be fixed and fair permanently.
Making each vote equal is something we should all agree on.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Honest Abe's Party?
Republicans sometimes like to talk about the fact that they are the party of Lincoln.
Of course it is pretty unlikely that Lincoln would be a Republican today, although comparing someone from his era with the situation today is highly questionable.
I do know that the current things the party stands for and the leader are nothing like Lincoln or his positions.
Lincoln was born in a log cabin on the frontier and worked many jobs, including a stint in the militia before becoming a lawyer and an abolitionist.
The current leader was born with a silver spoon in his mouth in New York, and never really had a job where he worked for anyone except his father. He never served in the military and even had an imaginary ailment that got him an exemption. Despite talking tough, there is no evidence that he ever actually fought anyone except verbally.
Lincoln tried to unify the nation and was forced to fight a terrible war to preserve the Union as the South seceded. He was willing to forgive the people who rebelled and bring the Union back together, but of course he was prevented by an assassin.
The current occupant can't forgive any slight and has no interest in being a unifying force. He seems willing to risk other people's children in his idiotic grasp of foreign policy and the world he lives in.
Lincoln had a keen intellect and was a masterful debater, who discussed real issues and solutions and has left us one of the most inspiring speeches of all time in the Gettysburg address.
Currently we have somewhat inane tweets that will live on in some sort of infamy.
Lincoln was a devoted husband and father who never had a hint of scandal associated with him.
I wouldn't know where to start in describing our bad mouthed, disrespectful, womanizing, sex abusing current president.
No, the current republican party may be descended from Abe's party, but it has lost any family resemblance a while ago.
Of course it is pretty unlikely that Lincoln would be a Republican today, although comparing someone from his era with the situation today is highly questionable.
I do know that the current things the party stands for and the leader are nothing like Lincoln or his positions.
Lincoln was born in a log cabin on the frontier and worked many jobs, including a stint in the militia before becoming a lawyer and an abolitionist.
The current leader was born with a silver spoon in his mouth in New York, and never really had a job where he worked for anyone except his father. He never served in the military and even had an imaginary ailment that got him an exemption. Despite talking tough, there is no evidence that he ever actually fought anyone except verbally.
Lincoln tried to unify the nation and was forced to fight a terrible war to preserve the Union as the South seceded. He was willing to forgive the people who rebelled and bring the Union back together, but of course he was prevented by an assassin.
The current occupant can't forgive any slight and has no interest in being a unifying force. He seems willing to risk other people's children in his idiotic grasp of foreign policy and the world he lives in.
Lincoln had a keen intellect and was a masterful debater, who discussed real issues and solutions and has left us one of the most inspiring speeches of all time in the Gettysburg address.
Currently we have somewhat inane tweets that will live on in some sort of infamy.
Lincoln was a devoted husband and father who never had a hint of scandal associated with him.
I wouldn't know where to start in describing our bad mouthed, disrespectful, womanizing, sex abusing current president.
No, the current republican party may be descended from Abe's party, but it has lost any family resemblance a while ago.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
More Random Things
So the fleet that Trump said was going to intimidate Korea went to the Indian Ocean, guess geography is more complicated than he thought too.
We have a Civilian Commander in Chief primarily because the normal first reaction of a military person would of course be the military option. Using diplomacy saves lives, on both sides.
Trump thinks he is being criticized unfairly, he should read his own tweets for the last 8 years.
I keep reading how Trump is disappointing his supporters, either by doing what he actually said or not doing what he actually said. Of course he promised things he couldn't possibly do so if you believed him you got what you deserved.
They can add having polluted fishing streams and air to not having a job.
We live in a world where people think they can challenge science based on how they feel about things. You can't.
If yo don't believe in evolution or climate change, you are exactly the same as people who believe the Earth is flat.
People who question the usefulness of vaccines aren't much better. While everything has potential side effects, the vaccines have reduced or eliminated deadly diseases. It really is a public health matter.
People who protest common core were the same people who questioned the education the schools provide, so how do they get better without standards?
Education of our young people is essential to the future of this country. Lets make sure it is effective.
Before we risk more young people in wars that aren't essential, remember everyone who died lost all future potential while we end up with a President who shirked his duty.
Since we went all volunteer, the people who serve in the Military are much less likely to become members of Congress. The trend is very clear.
The most recent data from the 2010 Census shows that only seven percent of Americans have served in the military, while veterans make up 20 percent of the current Congress. In 1971, 73 percent of members of Congress were veterans, but veterans made up fewer than 15 percent of the American population.

We have a Civilian Commander in Chief primarily because the normal first reaction of a military person would of course be the military option. Using diplomacy saves lives, on both sides.
Trump thinks he is being criticized unfairly, he should read his own tweets for the last 8 years.
I keep reading how Trump is disappointing his supporters, either by doing what he actually said or not doing what he actually said. Of course he promised things he couldn't possibly do so if you believed him you got what you deserved.
They can add having polluted fishing streams and air to not having a job.
We live in a world where people think they can challenge science based on how they feel about things. You can't.
If yo don't believe in evolution or climate change, you are exactly the same as people who believe the Earth is flat.
People who question the usefulness of vaccines aren't much better. While everything has potential side effects, the vaccines have reduced or eliminated deadly diseases. It really is a public health matter.
People who protest common core were the same people who questioned the education the schools provide, so how do they get better without standards?
Education of our young people is essential to the future of this country. Lets make sure it is effective.
Before we risk more young people in wars that aren't essential, remember everyone who died lost all future potential while we end up with a President who shirked his duty.
Since we went all volunteer, the people who serve in the Military are much less likely to become members of Congress. The trend is very clear.
The most recent data from the 2010 Census shows that only seven percent of Americans have served in the military, while veterans make up 20 percent of the current Congress. In 1971, 73 percent of members of Congress were veterans, but veterans made up fewer than 15 percent of the American population.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017
The MATRIX Is Winning
The movie the MATRIX was about a future where machines had enslaved most of humanity and used them to produce energy (nuclear winter had blocked the sun) while providing them a fantasy world where they thought they lived.
Of course I don't want to spoil anything, but these machines had become intelligent and controlling and to become aware of the MATRIX made you their enemy.
Now it isn't quite that dramatic but more and more the machines are taking peoples jobs.
Not consciously, but they are and if you don't have the right skill set you are in danger.
Office workers, factory workers and retail workers are all being displaced, if not already gone.
You long ago lost all those clerical workers who typed memos, answered phones, filed documents, etc. etc.
Factories have become more and more automated and the workers needed are mostly there to make sure the machines continue to function.
Retail, now allows you to shop online and malls are losing stores everywhere you look.
I can pump my own gas, checkout and bag my own groceries, have items delivered directly to my door and have very little interaction with any people to provide a service.
We don't need toll collectors in most places anymore as automated systems take care of it.
These jobs are gone and the worst part is that the people who performed these jobs are the least likely to have a skill set that helps them in the new economy.
We don't need more coal miners, we can extract more coal than we will ever need already, but we do need to figure out how to employ these people.
Using them to produce energy for the machines is not a viable option.
Of course I don't want to spoil anything, but these machines had become intelligent and controlling and to become aware of the MATRIX made you their enemy.
Now it isn't quite that dramatic but more and more the machines are taking peoples jobs.
Not consciously, but they are and if you don't have the right skill set you are in danger.
Office workers, factory workers and retail workers are all being displaced, if not already gone.
You long ago lost all those clerical workers who typed memos, answered phones, filed documents, etc. etc.
Factories have become more and more automated and the workers needed are mostly there to make sure the machines continue to function.
Retail, now allows you to shop online and malls are losing stores everywhere you look.
I can pump my own gas, checkout and bag my own groceries, have items delivered directly to my door and have very little interaction with any people to provide a service.
We don't need toll collectors in most places anymore as automated systems take care of it.
These jobs are gone and the worst part is that the people who performed these jobs are the least likely to have a skill set that helps them in the new economy.
We don't need more coal miners, we can extract more coal than we will ever need already, but we do need to figure out how to employ these people.
Using them to produce energy for the machines is not a viable option.
Monday, April 17, 2017
How Many Sons
Hopefully the answer to that question is none.
However, the face off between two ego maniacs is unlikely to end well.
Now clearly we would like to see an end to the buildup of missiles and nukes in North Korea, and from our perspective they are a rogue regime that is out of control.
However, what makes our perspective the valid one?
Some countries have nuclear weapons others do not.
The ones that have them think no one else needs them.
The ones that don't have them feel left out and know that without them they can never be equal.
Now ideally everyone would destroy their nukes to make the world safer, but that isn't going to happen.
In fact the nations that have them haven't been the most peaceful ones looking at world history.
Now we also distrust any treaties that restrict nukes, since the inclination is to think the other side will cheat.
You can't prove that they won't.
So the deal with Iran has been heavily criticized by the current administration, although not really sure what they can do about it.
As technology improves, the ability to create nuclear weapons becomes easier.
So our best hope is that sanity will prevail.
History doesn't provide a lot of optimism there, especially when the players are so unpredictable.
So, the question is, how many sons, and daughters will this end up costing? I still hope the answer is zero, just not sure that sanity is evident.
However, the face off between two ego maniacs is unlikely to end well.
Now clearly we would like to see an end to the buildup of missiles and nukes in North Korea, and from our perspective they are a rogue regime that is out of control.
However, what makes our perspective the valid one?
Some countries have nuclear weapons others do not.
The ones that have them think no one else needs them.
The ones that don't have them feel left out and know that without them they can never be equal.
Now ideally everyone would destroy their nukes to make the world safer, but that isn't going to happen.
In fact the nations that have them haven't been the most peaceful ones looking at world history.
Now we also distrust any treaties that restrict nukes, since the inclination is to think the other side will cheat.
You can't prove that they won't.
So the deal with Iran has been heavily criticized by the current administration, although not really sure what they can do about it.
As technology improves, the ability to create nuclear weapons becomes easier.
So our best hope is that sanity will prevail.
History doesn't provide a lot of optimism there, especially when the players are so unpredictable.
So, the question is, how many sons, and daughters will this end up costing? I still hope the answer is zero, just not sure that sanity is evident.
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Easter Sunday
For everyone that celebrate Easter, I want to wish them a happy one.
For those who don't celebrate it, I hope you have a wonderful day also.
Its a day of hope and celebration so enjoy.
For those who don't celebrate it, I hope you have a wonderful day also.
Its a day of hope and celebration so enjoy.
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Rattling Sabers
Some people espouse a creed of "My Nation Right or Wrong". That sort of belief enables Dictators, Tyrants and needless wars.
Clearly as humans we have an obligation to treat each other with respect and dignity. This includes all people. Now of course we have a circle that effectively includes those who are closest to us, meaning our family and our community. However we still need to exercise independent judgement and support what is right.
Now, in the concept of modern statehood, there is a fundamental conflict. People originally banded together for mutual support and defense.
Support to build things like infrastructure, such as irrigation canals, and defense against those who would seize the fruits of that labor.
While a lot of complexity has been added to the modern state, the fundamental purposes are still the same. It either provides for the common support or it provides for the common defense.
Now we live in an age where that common defense has been extended to defending certain allies who in turn promise to defend us. However, one can look at our growing conflicts and ask how do they help with our defense.
In the middle east, we have become entangled in a scenario where the welfare of this country seems hardly impacted. Yes, they have terrorists there, but is what we are doing reducing the threat of terrorism or increasing it? I'm not defending the members of ISIS or the Taliban or Assad's forces, but I'm not sure the other side is much better. It just seems that while the names have changed we are repeating the same sort of pursuits that the colonial powers did when they were expanding, using local conflicts to further their economic interests. We are in fact protecting the oil more than anything else.
In Korea, we of course have decided that North Korea should have a nuclear weapon, although they do and if they do they shouldn't have a delivery system that can reach us, but they might.
This does seem to be more aligned with our defense interests and our self preservation interests, although what we are doing now may actually be escalating the problem. Unfortunately, we may be looking at a situation where the two people involved are the least qualified in temperament and common sense to be in charge.
No one wins a nuclear exchange. Let me repeat that.
No one wins a nuclear exchange.
Clearly as humans we have an obligation to treat each other with respect and dignity. This includes all people. Now of course we have a circle that effectively includes those who are closest to us, meaning our family and our community. However we still need to exercise independent judgement and support what is right.
Now, in the concept of modern statehood, there is a fundamental conflict. People originally banded together for mutual support and defense.
Support to build things like infrastructure, such as irrigation canals, and defense against those who would seize the fruits of that labor.
While a lot of complexity has been added to the modern state, the fundamental purposes are still the same. It either provides for the common support or it provides for the common defense.
Now we live in an age where that common defense has been extended to defending certain allies who in turn promise to defend us. However, one can look at our growing conflicts and ask how do they help with our defense.
In the middle east, we have become entangled in a scenario where the welfare of this country seems hardly impacted. Yes, they have terrorists there, but is what we are doing reducing the threat of terrorism or increasing it? I'm not defending the members of ISIS or the Taliban or Assad's forces, but I'm not sure the other side is much better. It just seems that while the names have changed we are repeating the same sort of pursuits that the colonial powers did when they were expanding, using local conflicts to further their economic interests. We are in fact protecting the oil more than anything else.
In Korea, we of course have decided that North Korea should have a nuclear weapon, although they do and if they do they shouldn't have a delivery system that can reach us, but they might.
This does seem to be more aligned with our defense interests and our self preservation interests, although what we are doing now may actually be escalating the problem. Unfortunately, we may be looking at a situation where the two people involved are the least qualified in temperament and common sense to be in charge.
No one wins a nuclear exchange. Let me repeat that.
No one wins a nuclear exchange.
Friday, April 14, 2017
We Dropped a Big Bomb
Well we continue to be at war, a war which for most of us is something we notice fairly infrequently.
Obviously if you have a loved one who is serving or who was killed or inured it is a very real war and for those we attack with our modern weapons it is certainly real, but for many of us we hardly notice it.
The dropping of the bomb call MOAB got a lot of news coverage and whether it will be militarily effective or not remains to be seen.
Our Commander in Chief claims it was but I believe what he says about as frequently as I run marathons, which BTW is never.
Of course I can imagine myself running one, I did run what we called long distance when I was in high school but those days are long gone.
What does seem t be happening is a certain escalation in conflicts both in the middle east and the far east and possibly with Russia.
This is by someone who questioned why we were in those places in the first place, part of that believability issue.
Now, whether the wars were a good idea or not and whether all these years of conflict have made America safer is debatable.
We don't seem safer and we have had a lot of casualties along the way.
Everyone of our boys that we put in harms way is entitled to our full support, the question is why are we putting them in harm's way.
I'm not at all an isolationist, but I'm also not in favor of making other nations adopt our way of life.
If we want them to, we need to make it so attractive that they are unable to stop their citizens from demanding it.
I think since we have been engaged in these wars it has had the opposite effect, convincing many that we are in fact no better than a colonial power.
Defend America at all costs, but the America that is great is one that everyone envies because or our prosperity and way of life.
Can't bomb that into being.
Obviously if you have a loved one who is serving or who was killed or inured it is a very real war and for those we attack with our modern weapons it is certainly real, but for many of us we hardly notice it.
The dropping of the bomb call MOAB got a lot of news coverage and whether it will be militarily effective or not remains to be seen.
Our Commander in Chief claims it was but I believe what he says about as frequently as I run marathons, which BTW is never.
Of course I can imagine myself running one, I did run what we called long distance when I was in high school but those days are long gone.
What does seem t be happening is a certain escalation in conflicts both in the middle east and the far east and possibly with Russia.
This is by someone who questioned why we were in those places in the first place, part of that believability issue.
Now, whether the wars were a good idea or not and whether all these years of conflict have made America safer is debatable.
We don't seem safer and we have had a lot of casualties along the way.
Everyone of our boys that we put in harms way is entitled to our full support, the question is why are we putting them in harm's way.
I'm not at all an isolationist, but I'm also not in favor of making other nations adopt our way of life.
If we want them to, we need to make it so attractive that they are unable to stop their citizens from demanding it.
I think since we have been engaged in these wars it has had the opposite effect, convincing many that we are in fact no better than a colonial power.
Defend America at all costs, but the America that is great is one that everyone envies because or our prosperity and way of life.
Can't bomb that into being.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Dirty Tricks
It should come as no surprise that someone elected by among other things telling lies and relaying false news with some foreign aid, is not averse to using dirty tricks and throwing uncertainty into the Affordable Care Act subsidies while insurers are formulating next years rates is certainly one of them.
While the Republicans are unable to come up with a workable replacement plan, the administration threatens to hit at the very concept that make the affordable care act affordable the subsidies that reduce premiums for lower income people.
We know he cares nothing for them, especially since many of them were tricked into voting for a person with no moral character and absolutely no working class credibility.
Its a bit scary that the American working class has been reduced to a bunch of patsies who believe lies and don't know who is most likely to help them and their families prosper now and in the future.
They were the backbone of our union movement that did so much good which has been quickly forgotten by those it helped.
These are the people I come from and I know some are hurting s the world they knew has changed and the promises they had been given have disappeared in the fact of automation and technology.
Now they have an administration that thinks it can make more empty promises and get their support.
You never used to be fooled so easily and I want to tell you that Donald Trump is a boss, he's no Jimmy Hoffa.
Bosses taking care of you? Sure, and unicorns in every back yard.
While the Republicans are unable to come up with a workable replacement plan, the administration threatens to hit at the very concept that make the affordable care act affordable the subsidies that reduce premiums for lower income people.
We know he cares nothing for them, especially since many of them were tricked into voting for a person with no moral character and absolutely no working class credibility.
Its a bit scary that the American working class has been reduced to a bunch of patsies who believe lies and don't know who is most likely to help them and their families prosper now and in the future.
They were the backbone of our union movement that did so much good which has been quickly forgotten by those it helped.
These are the people I come from and I know some are hurting s the world they knew has changed and the promises they had been given have disappeared in the fact of automation and technology.
Now they have an administration that thinks it can make more empty promises and get their support.
You never used to be fooled so easily and I want to tell you that Donald Trump is a boss, he's no Jimmy Hoffa.
Bosses taking care of you? Sure, and unicorns in every back yard.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Business Man Sinner
Business people are not generally considered candidates for sainthood. First making money is the primary objective which in most reading of the bible is not a road to heaven, in fact they have a pretty difficult passage.
Now besides that, they sometimes have to do things that might be unethical, or borderline unethical, although not everyone has to stoop to that.
Of course the reason money is the root of all evil is that it provides access to more evil.
So in addition to whatever perils the business world offers we have the other temptations they are prey to.
The firs one is of course greed as they acquire things.
Adultery and coveting are also dangers that money makes easier.
Gluttony, pride, envy are often right up there.
In fact our current President has exhibited pretty much all of these.
Now oddly despite his recorded messages showing his covering of his neighbors wife, and know issues with adultery he had the support of many evangelical Christians.
Of course he has also clearly lied frequently, in fact he could be held up as an object lesson of how to commit deadly sins.
Yet they voted for him because he promised to end abortions and maybe because he was supposedly a good business man.
This is akin to electing Satin because he runs hell so efficiently.
I hear he has a special place for hypocrites.
It will have many new customers coming.
Now besides that, they sometimes have to do things that might be unethical, or borderline unethical, although not everyone has to stoop to that.
Of course the reason money is the root of all evil is that it provides access to more evil.
So in addition to whatever perils the business world offers we have the other temptations they are prey to.
The firs one is of course greed as they acquire things.
Adultery and coveting are also dangers that money makes easier.
Gluttony, pride, envy are often right up there.
In fact our current President has exhibited pretty much all of these.
Now oddly despite his recorded messages showing his covering of his neighbors wife, and know issues with adultery he had the support of many evangelical Christians.
Of course he has also clearly lied frequently, in fact he could be held up as an object lesson of how to commit deadly sins.
Yet they voted for him because he promised to end abortions and maybe because he was supposedly a good business man.
This is akin to electing Satin because he runs hell so efficiently.
I hear he has a special place for hypocrites.
It will have many new customers coming.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Fake Issues
It just seems that we now have real and imaginary issues shoved at us constantly.
Take respect for the American flag.
I tend to think most people feel the same way about the flag that they always did. It became a political symbol back in the 60's when young people burned it during protests. It of course was used by others to show support for the Government. It became a fashion item which was offensive to some but then it became something that you wore to show patriotism and the general sense was that it wasn't an issue.
Now there were always a those who felt it should be treated respectfully in accordance with flag etiquette and they let everyone know. However generally it flew above schools and post offices as well as other Government buildings, graced certain bikinis, and was otherwise fulfilling its general function.
I guarantee, there is no movement of significance related to the flag itself, although at times in protests against America or its policies it is used as a symbol of what is being protested.
However during the last election there was a surprising amount of uproar about the flag and who was for it and who was against it. Also lots of stories, generally untrue, about schools or other institutions that wouldn't fly it. I still get these every so often, I think pushed out by fake news organizations that know its a surefire way to get a few clicks and it gets shared but why?
Is there any widespread movement to change it or disrespect it?
I'm not aware of any and outside of a small group, the flag is widely loved and respected by Americans. So why the fake outrage over it?
It makes these sites money when you click on them and it generates advertising revenue.
So who is really disrespecting the flag?
Take respect for the American flag.
I tend to think most people feel the same way about the flag that they always did. It became a political symbol back in the 60's when young people burned it during protests. It of course was used by others to show support for the Government. It became a fashion item which was offensive to some but then it became something that you wore to show patriotism and the general sense was that it wasn't an issue.
Now there were always a those who felt it should be treated respectfully in accordance with flag etiquette and they let everyone know. However generally it flew above schools and post offices as well as other Government buildings, graced certain bikinis, and was otherwise fulfilling its general function.
I guarantee, there is no movement of significance related to the flag itself, although at times in protests against America or its policies it is used as a symbol of what is being protested.
However during the last election there was a surprising amount of uproar about the flag and who was for it and who was against it. Also lots of stories, generally untrue, about schools or other institutions that wouldn't fly it. I still get these every so often, I think pushed out by fake news organizations that know its a surefire way to get a few clicks and it gets shared but why?
Is there any widespread movement to change it or disrespect it?
I'm not aware of any and outside of a small group, the flag is widely loved and respected by Americans. So why the fake outrage over it?
It makes these sites money when you click on them and it generates advertising revenue.
So who is really disrespecting the flag?
Monday, April 10, 2017
Let's make a Deal
Post industrialization is the most critical issue confronting the United States today?
In fact it impacts the entire world as we see the elimination of manual labor in the industrial world.
This is the same phenomena that the world experience as we learned to farm using equipment instead of people.
Now of course we still have some farmers but the output that used to require a 1,000 men now requires a few.
Yes there is some movement to local produce or organic farms but this is more of a pastime than an endeavor to return to an agricultural society.
The excess farmers became factory workers and they were the backbone of the industrial age.
However, similar to agriculture, we now can use dependable robots to do the work of thousands of men.
Some skilled workers are of course still needed to mind the robots and a few other tasks that haven't been fully automated, but its not hard to imagine a lights out factory.
A lights out factory would be one where no on-site people were required on a routine basis at all, eliminating the need for lighting.
So what happens to all those factory workers? Service industries are impacted as much as factories are as we no longer have as much need for bank tellers, store clerks, toll collectors, and on and on.
The areas that are growing require specific skills that the displaced workers do not possess, and probably don't want to acquire. If they had aptitudes for them they would have already acquired them.
I have to be honest, the best opportunity to utilize them is in fixing our infrastructure or to build new infrastructure. Is this enough to provide jobs for all the displaced workers? Probably not, but it is certainly a start.
Of course we have to pay for this and we already have enough debt. Perhaps our deal maker President can get private industry to foot the bill for projects that ultimately benefit them.
Let's see.
In fact it impacts the entire world as we see the elimination of manual labor in the industrial world.
This is the same phenomena that the world experience as we learned to farm using equipment instead of people.
Now of course we still have some farmers but the output that used to require a 1,000 men now requires a few.
Yes there is some movement to local produce or organic farms but this is more of a pastime than an endeavor to return to an agricultural society.
The excess farmers became factory workers and they were the backbone of the industrial age.
However, similar to agriculture, we now can use dependable robots to do the work of thousands of men.
Some skilled workers are of course still needed to mind the robots and a few other tasks that haven't been fully automated, but its not hard to imagine a lights out factory.
A lights out factory would be one where no on-site people were required on a routine basis at all, eliminating the need for lighting.
So what happens to all those factory workers? Service industries are impacted as much as factories are as we no longer have as much need for bank tellers, store clerks, toll collectors, and on and on.
The areas that are growing require specific skills that the displaced workers do not possess, and probably don't want to acquire. If they had aptitudes for them they would have already acquired them.
I have to be honest, the best opportunity to utilize them is in fixing our infrastructure or to build new infrastructure. Is this enough to provide jobs for all the displaced workers? Probably not, but it is certainly a start.
Of course we have to pay for this and we already have enough debt. Perhaps our deal maker President can get private industry to foot the bill for projects that ultimately benefit them.
Let's see.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Public Service?
When you run for office in this country you need two things. First you need money. In fact your ability to raise money is possibly the most important discriminator between winners and losers, more than ideological positions in many cases.
Now the second thing you need is to get votes.
Obviously the people who vote for you are the essential ingredient to success, but they are not the ones that get to influence you the most.
Its the people with money.
We effectively sell our Government every election to a large extent. It was always bad but the Supreme Court Decisions that donations were covered under freedom of speech made it much worse.
Now, you may campaign against the establishment, and you may define the establishment as the "deep state" or the "liberal media" but the real establishment is and has always been the people with the deep pockets who you sell yourself to.
Now this raises the question of what is public service.
Government exists for a number of reasons, but it primarily is a way for a large group of people to decide on rules everyone must follow.
Those rules can protect the public, or they can protect the people with money, but they really can't do both.
The rules are designed to level the playing field and without them the money people have a tremendous advantage. They have the money and resources to spend which the average person doesn't.
When conservatives talk about limited Government, they mean Government interference in the ability of wealthy people to get wealthier. They like to claim it to get the Government off the common person's back, but in all honesty it isn't on your back in the first place, at least not in the way they say.
Yes if you commit a crime you may get arrested, but if your a big business who sexually harasses an employee, you won't.
Public service means ensuring the public has an equal playing field, without regard to money, race, religion, gender or sexual preference.
Lets keep it.
Now the second thing you need is to get votes.
Obviously the people who vote for you are the essential ingredient to success, but they are not the ones that get to influence you the most.
Its the people with money.
We effectively sell our Government every election to a large extent. It was always bad but the Supreme Court Decisions that donations were covered under freedom of speech made it much worse.
Now, you may campaign against the establishment, and you may define the establishment as the "deep state" or the "liberal media" but the real establishment is and has always been the people with the deep pockets who you sell yourself to.
Now this raises the question of what is public service.
Government exists for a number of reasons, but it primarily is a way for a large group of people to decide on rules everyone must follow.
Those rules can protect the public, or they can protect the people with money, but they really can't do both.
The rules are designed to level the playing field and without them the money people have a tremendous advantage. They have the money and resources to spend which the average person doesn't.
When conservatives talk about limited Government, they mean Government interference in the ability of wealthy people to get wealthier. They like to claim it to get the Government off the common person's back, but in all honesty it isn't on your back in the first place, at least not in the way they say.
Yes if you commit a crime you may get arrested, but if your a big business who sexually harasses an employee, you won't.
Public service means ensuring the public has an equal playing field, without regard to money, race, religion, gender or sexual preference.
Lets keep it.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Saturday Ramblings
For those of you in favor of unilateral executive air strikes, less jobs, more pollution, less worker rights, and less equality, it must be a good day.
It is possible that a majority of Americans no longer care about the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, but I don't accept that.
It looks like Republicans may take another shot at health care, not sure they can agree on what day it is though, so we'll have to see.
If you put your faith in wealthy people to help the country, the only thing they have demonstrated is an ability to help themselves, to whatever they wanted.
I see so many posts talking about stopping things that aren't even happening, I have to conclude its a deliberate disinformation campaign. Wish people would check facts just a bit.
Watching some interviews with Americans about current events and things I take for granted is pretty scary at times. I mean its really scary.
There are still people convinced that Pizzagate was a real thing. I mean how is that possible?
We are clearly moving further and further into a society of the have's and the have not's. This is the problem that has been faced many times before by empires. You can see how many survived it.
Its springtime and this is pretty depressing so far. The good news is rich people are going to get even richer, so if you are one, you're in luck.
In the sci-fi world the future is depicted in a number of ways. Most of them involve pretty bleak outcomes where either machines or aliens dominate us and we end up fighting for survival. Some show us falling into a replication of the past with a despot taking over. A very few describe a utopian future where machines do all the heavy work and we enjoy the benefits. As much as i like the last one, it requires a sharing of the benefit so without that we end up with the despot.
Of course we are seeing more potential danger from nuclear proliferation and maybe the dark days of the cold war are coming back.
I wouldn't consider that making us great again.
It is possible that a majority of Americans no longer care about the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, but I don't accept that.
It looks like Republicans may take another shot at health care, not sure they can agree on what day it is though, so we'll have to see.
If you put your faith in wealthy people to help the country, the only thing they have demonstrated is an ability to help themselves, to whatever they wanted.
I see so many posts talking about stopping things that aren't even happening, I have to conclude its a deliberate disinformation campaign. Wish people would check facts just a bit.
Watching some interviews with Americans about current events and things I take for granted is pretty scary at times. I mean its really scary.
There are still people convinced that Pizzagate was a real thing. I mean how is that possible?
We are clearly moving further and further into a society of the have's and the have not's. This is the problem that has been faced many times before by empires. You can see how many survived it.
Its springtime and this is pretty depressing so far. The good news is rich people are going to get even richer, so if you are one, you're in luck.
In the sci-fi world the future is depicted in a number of ways. Most of them involve pretty bleak outcomes where either machines or aliens dominate us and we end up fighting for survival. Some show us falling into a replication of the past with a despot taking over. A very few describe a utopian future where machines do all the heavy work and we enjoy the benefits. As much as i like the last one, it requires a sharing of the benefit so without that we end up with the despot.
Of course we are seeing more potential danger from nuclear proliferation and maybe the dark days of the cold war are coming back.
I wouldn't consider that making us great again.
Friday, April 7, 2017
He Finally Noticed
Sending cruise missiles to hit a Syrian Air Base may or may not have much impact on the actions of the dictator who was recently admired by our President.
Most of the world knew him as a ruthless thug who was guilty of murdering his own people in his desire to maintain power.
The latest chemical attack was brutal but no worse really than other ones he had launched.
It was brutal and it happened on his watch and while he was able to ignore the prior brutalities, he finally realized that innocent people are being brutally murdered.
Others are being forced from their homes and becoming refugees.
The cruise missiles, as I said, may or may not have a lasting impact.
Helping the refugees would for the lives that could be saved and allowed to live peacefully.
Hoped he noticed them too.
Most of the world knew him as a ruthless thug who was guilty of murdering his own people in his desire to maintain power.
The latest chemical attack was brutal but no worse really than other ones he had launched.
It was brutal and it happened on his watch and while he was able to ignore the prior brutalities, he finally realized that innocent people are being brutally murdered.
Others are being forced from their homes and becoming refugees.
The cruise missiles, as I said, may or may not have a lasting impact.
Helping the refugees would for the lives that could be saved and allowed to live peacefully.
Hoped he noticed them too.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Supreme Showdown
It looks like the Senate is about to change its rules so it can confirm the next Supreme Court Justice.
Whatever the capabilities of the candidate, we have now made the process so political that the best judicial minds are irrelevant.
Now the biggest issue facing the court is always pretty much the same one, whether the constitution should be interpreted literally or if there should be some interpretation.
Clearly the world we live in is not the same as the one that existed in the late 1700s.
Allowing everyone the right to bear arms to protect themselves from hostiles and to hunt had a very different meaning when said gun was a single shot musket.
Further there are passages in the constitution that are clearly vague. Those who want a strict interpretation of the right to bear arms want to bend the establishment of religion part.
Of course the answer would be to update it but I think such a process would be unmanageable to say the least.
We live in a world where exaggeration is the norm and a rule to restrict the sale of automatic assault rifles is treated as an attack on all gun ownership.
So the choice for the Supreme Court may be significant or it may turn out to be business as usual.
The Justices once selected tend to try to perform their duties conscientiously and while a strict reading of the constitution and precedent may slow future changes, it isn't likely to roll back what has already happened.
The bigger issue here is that the Senate, that bastion of compromise is now giving up that role for the sake of partisan politics.
Its more of the downward spiral of our political system and its simply a shame.
Whatever the capabilities of the candidate, we have now made the process so political that the best judicial minds are irrelevant.
Now the biggest issue facing the court is always pretty much the same one, whether the constitution should be interpreted literally or if there should be some interpretation.
Clearly the world we live in is not the same as the one that existed in the late 1700s.
Allowing everyone the right to bear arms to protect themselves from hostiles and to hunt had a very different meaning when said gun was a single shot musket.
Further there are passages in the constitution that are clearly vague. Those who want a strict interpretation of the right to bear arms want to bend the establishment of religion part.
Of course the answer would be to update it but I think such a process would be unmanageable to say the least.
We live in a world where exaggeration is the norm and a rule to restrict the sale of automatic assault rifles is treated as an attack on all gun ownership.
So the choice for the Supreme Court may be significant or it may turn out to be business as usual.
The Justices once selected tend to try to perform their duties conscientiously and while a strict reading of the constitution and precedent may slow future changes, it isn't likely to roll back what has already happened.
The bigger issue here is that the Senate, that bastion of compromise is now giving up that role for the sake of partisan politics.
Its more of the downward spiral of our political system and its simply a shame.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
The Buck Doesn't Stop Anywhere
Well we now know that everything is someone else's fault, even those imaginary things he comes up with.
Now it might be true in some cases but it is also true that he isn't responsible for everything that goes right.
He is OK with taking credit, just not accepting any blame.
This goes back to his business career where he was a genius who was misled or betrayed, or in a number of cases like Trump University, the unhappy people were liars out to cash in.
The most notable egomaniac that comes to mind is Adolf Hitler, who based on his early successes thought he know more than his generals and in fact everyone else.
It didn't end well for Germany or the millions who died, but I'm sure if you could ask him it wasn't his fault.
His whole career was based on a certain group betraying Germany in World War 1.
Unfortunately, too many people fall into this trap of finding people to blame for what is going wrong in their own lives when it most likely is more like being caught up in a natural disaster.
Mexicans are here to do jobs no one else wants, not to steal jobs. Second and third generation Mexicans do fine, just like all the other immigrant groups that preceded them.
Refugees are not a bunch of terrorists, they are people caught up in terrible events who need help.
Immigrants are the way we renew the American diversity so we don't become too inbred and stagnant.
Some people in every group will end up being criminals or even terrorists, but that includes our native born people.
They aren't statistically likely to impact most Americans but of course everyone should be careful anyways.
Take responsibility for your own life and its problems as well as its successes, the buck has to stop somewhere, and acting like the president is simply being a cowardly egocentric person.
If you weren't born with a silver spoon in your mouth, it doesn't work well.
Now it might be true in some cases but it is also true that he isn't responsible for everything that goes right.
He is OK with taking credit, just not accepting any blame.
This goes back to his business career where he was a genius who was misled or betrayed, or in a number of cases like Trump University, the unhappy people were liars out to cash in.
The most notable egomaniac that comes to mind is Adolf Hitler, who based on his early successes thought he know more than his generals and in fact everyone else.
It didn't end well for Germany or the millions who died, but I'm sure if you could ask him it wasn't his fault.
His whole career was based on a certain group betraying Germany in World War 1.
Unfortunately, too many people fall into this trap of finding people to blame for what is going wrong in their own lives when it most likely is more like being caught up in a natural disaster.
Mexicans are here to do jobs no one else wants, not to steal jobs. Second and third generation Mexicans do fine, just like all the other immigrant groups that preceded them.
Refugees are not a bunch of terrorists, they are people caught up in terrible events who need help.
Immigrants are the way we renew the American diversity so we don't become too inbred and stagnant.
Some people in every group will end up being criminals or even terrorists, but that includes our native born people.
They aren't statistically likely to impact most Americans but of course everyone should be careful anyways.
Take responsibility for your own life and its problems as well as its successes, the buck has to stop somewhere, and acting like the president is simply being a cowardly egocentric person.
If you weren't born with a silver spoon in your mouth, it doesn't work well.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Do We Care?
The start of baseball season coincides with spring and always has a very upbeat feel to it. Of course every team has a chance as they start off although you know some really don't, but the fans can always hope.
Its the sort of thing Americans pay attention to instead of say things like Geography or History or even the difference between real and fictional.
There are people who can tell you all sorts of facts and statistics about their favorite team who could never pass a basic citizenship test or tell you what tax dollars pay for.
This disinterest in Government is one of our greatest flaws since it allows all sorts of misinformation to be believed.
I don't see any real way to change this, so its probably just as well that so many Americans don't even bother to vote.
Of course the ones who do vote, with the exception of the regular good citizen types often vote because they are angry.
Angry about abortion or angry about taxes or angry about, well whatever.
This of course allows people who are basically one trick ponies to get elected.
We are more concerned about who is playing first base then we are about who is representing us in many cases.
Of course having a team lose or not make the playoffs is something we care about, equal pay for women or health care, not so much.
Its the sort of thing Americans pay attention to instead of say things like Geography or History or even the difference between real and fictional.
There are people who can tell you all sorts of facts and statistics about their favorite team who could never pass a basic citizenship test or tell you what tax dollars pay for.
This disinterest in Government is one of our greatest flaws since it allows all sorts of misinformation to be believed.
I don't see any real way to change this, so its probably just as well that so many Americans don't even bother to vote.
Of course the ones who do vote, with the exception of the regular good citizen types often vote because they are angry.
Angry about abortion or angry about taxes or angry about, well whatever.
This of course allows people who are basically one trick ponies to get elected.
We are more concerned about who is playing first base then we are about who is representing us in many cases.
Of course having a team lose or not make the playoffs is something we care about, equal pay for women or health care, not so much.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Its Howdy Doody Time
Well we live in a country where what is said on certain TV channels and fake news sites dictates our policy.
If you reject everything that you don't like as fake and accept everything garbage news as real, well we are living in a TV show.
I'm sure that growing up the president was influenced by the Howdy Doody show like much of his generation, and I gather he took it to heart.
He learned that being a puppet was OK, a lesson he has grasped well.
He has basically filled his inner circle with characters from the show, he is of course Howdy.
Bannon is Buffalo Bob.
The rest of the players are various characters, Princess Summerfall Winterspring is Ivanka, I like Spicer for Clarabelle and you can picture the others as the various puppets.
They did create a fictional world where everything turned out great and nothing bad ever happened in Doodyville!
Everybody liked Howdy.
Its what great means to our President!
It’s Howdy Doody time It’s Howdy Doody time Bob Smith and Howdy too Say “Howdy do” to you Let’s give a rousing cheer ’Cause Howdy Doody’s here It’s time to start the show So kids, let’s go!
If you reject everything that you don't like as fake and accept everything garbage news as real, well we are living in a TV show.
I'm sure that growing up the president was influenced by the Howdy Doody show like much of his generation, and I gather he took it to heart.
He learned that being a puppet was OK, a lesson he has grasped well.
He has basically filled his inner circle with characters from the show, he is of course Howdy.
Bannon is Buffalo Bob.
The rest of the players are various characters, Princess Summerfall Winterspring is Ivanka, I like Spicer for Clarabelle and you can picture the others as the various puppets.
They did create a fictional world where everything turned out great and nothing bad ever happened in Doodyville!
Everybody liked Howdy.
Its what great means to our President!
Sunday, April 2, 2017
One Country
Well think we have achieve a level of divisiveness now that is unprecedented, at least in this country.
The main responsibility for this would be the president who despite talking about uniting the country has engaged in a series of petty tweets and attacks.
This is troublesome not because it is amateurish and childish, which it is, but because as the sides become more antagonistic it leads to escalation which can in the end threaten our very democracy.
Don't say it can't happen here, there is nothing about us that is different than everywhere else throughout history it has happened.
When the opposition is considered so vile and so beyond approach, well then everything goes.
The general belief that everyone is working for the common interest goes away and political opponents become the enemy who must be stopped.
It no longer becomes an issue about different approaches to common goals, the goals themselves are in question.
How to secure the nation becomes not just a discussion about the best approach but an attack on one side or the other as traitors. We saw this with McCarthyism.
We have started to fall into the world of propaganda and we see lies repeated over and over again as the "real" truth.
We see a loss of faith in our institutions, and a distrust of public officials.
When democracy is considered to have failed, the alternative is never good.
The first thing that we need to protect is our society and form of government.
Fight hard over the issues, but realize we are still a single nation that needs to continue our great traditions.
The main responsibility for this would be the president who despite talking about uniting the country has engaged in a series of petty tweets and attacks.
This is troublesome not because it is amateurish and childish, which it is, but because as the sides become more antagonistic it leads to escalation which can in the end threaten our very democracy.
Don't say it can't happen here, there is nothing about us that is different than everywhere else throughout history it has happened.
When the opposition is considered so vile and so beyond approach, well then everything goes.
The general belief that everyone is working for the common interest goes away and political opponents become the enemy who must be stopped.
It no longer becomes an issue about different approaches to common goals, the goals themselves are in question.
How to secure the nation becomes not just a discussion about the best approach but an attack on one side or the other as traitors. We saw this with McCarthyism.
We have started to fall into the world of propaganda and we see lies repeated over and over again as the "real" truth.
We see a loss of faith in our institutions, and a distrust of public officials.
When democracy is considered to have failed, the alternative is never good.
The first thing that we need to protect is our society and form of government.
Fight hard over the issues, but realize we are still a single nation that needs to continue our great traditions.
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Worst April Fools Joke Ever?
So today is the day we find out that everything was just an elaborate April fools joke that started back in November?
It explains how we seemingly lost our collective minds as a nation and elected a sexist, egocentric, delusional person and his band of keystone cops to the most powerful office in the world.
Putting everybody through this was really pretty cruel, even as an elaborate hoax.
I mean the big beautiful wall that would cost billions and displace landowners along the border was really a dead giveaway.
The lock Hillary up chants for sending work related emails was another clue.
The idea that we would replace a working health care system with a real mess that protected no one was another.
Also giving rich people big tax breaks while cutting assistance programs was inspired.
Defunding Sesame Street and the wonderful programs that provide some learning opportunities for out children without sugar laden cereal commercials was ingenious.
Did we really believe we were bringing back coal?
How about replacing robots with workers, who would do that?
Giving a bill to the German Chancellor was a stroke of genius.
And the supporting cast really played it well, bringing us alternate facts and complete denials of reality without missing a beat.
Not to mention the kowtowing to Putin and the cabinet selections.
Not only were they unqualified, they actually were on record as enemies of their own departments.
Education run by someone who wants to eliminate public schools.
EPA run be someone who wants to pollute our air and water.
It was so elaborate and really pretty convincing, although a bit mean after all.
So now is the day it comes to an end and we return to normalcy.
Aprils Fool!
It explains how we seemingly lost our collective minds as a nation and elected a sexist, egocentric, delusional person and his band of keystone cops to the most powerful office in the world.
Putting everybody through this was really pretty cruel, even as an elaborate hoax.
I mean the big beautiful wall that would cost billions and displace landowners along the border was really a dead giveaway.
The lock Hillary up chants for sending work related emails was another clue.
The idea that we would replace a working health care system with a real mess that protected no one was another.
Also giving rich people big tax breaks while cutting assistance programs was inspired.
Defunding Sesame Street and the wonderful programs that provide some learning opportunities for out children without sugar laden cereal commercials was ingenious.
Did we really believe we were bringing back coal?
How about replacing robots with workers, who would do that?
Giving a bill to the German Chancellor was a stroke of genius.
And the supporting cast really played it well, bringing us alternate facts and complete denials of reality without missing a beat.
Not to mention the kowtowing to Putin and the cabinet selections.
Not only were they unqualified, they actually were on record as enemies of their own departments.
Education run by someone who wants to eliminate public schools.
EPA run be someone who wants to pollute our air and water.
It was so elaborate and really pretty convincing, although a bit mean after all.
So now is the day it comes to an end and we return to normalcy.
Aprils Fool!
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