Sunday, July 18, 2021

Absurd Conspiracy

 It is a bit amazing when people argue that a giant conspiracy is able to manipulate election reporting and falsify results.  The reason I find that amazing is that if one side had that much control we wouldn't be having this discussion, at least not publicly.

It implies a secret, large, conspiracy of people occupying high positions in Government?

Maybe these type of conspiracy theories last so long because people simply can't accept that their views are not popular?

It is hard to explain how they manage to keep going when we have seen control of the Government change between parties numerous times.  Since these changes are mostly the leadership of the agencies I gather they think the civil servants share some basic beliefs and manage to secretly team up without the leadership being aware to actually run things?

This would be a conspiracy that would be simply impossible to maintain.

Its also unclear how it would impact the various states that run their own elections and count their own ballots.

But it would also be clear that if so many people in these positions held these beliefs, they might not have to cheat, just count the votes.

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