Saturday, July 17, 2021

Patriotic Reporting

 We have some great public services but we focus on the errors.   We live in a country where the average citizen can get the same public services as everyone else.  Now some things go awry but often because of how we define it.

Social Security and Medicare have helped millions and millions of our seniors but some have bad experiences.  Those are what we focus on.  The unusual is the news not the reliable delivery of services.

Give a thought to the food and drug we use.  We take their safety for granted.  What greater proof of excellent service.

Despite this much of the American public distrust the Government because of media propaganda.  Who has an interest in undermining America?

Clearly it benefits out foreign adverseries.

Journalism needs to uncover facts and report on them.  Drawing conclusions that undermine our society is another matter.  Claiming to unpatriotic is simply a lie.  Clearly they arent.

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