Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Call Up the Militia!

 What if everything collapsed?  Maybe it could be a resurgence of Covid with a new deadly strain or even another virus.  Perhaps a war could break out and escalate until we are all living in Nuclear Winter.  We could see a world economic collapse such as the great depression where what we have becomes worthless and what we need becomes unaffordable.  

Any of these things could happen and the only saving grace for some of those scenarios is that most of us might not survive to see the devastation.  I can think of additional events that could upend society quickly, such as massive volcanic eruptions that recreated frozen earth as the sun was blocked out.  

The results would be catastrophic and impossible to react to on an individual basis.  I suspect people would react in their own perceived self interest and it would resemble disaster movies with looting, violence and perhaps cannibalism as food ran out.

Lets hope it doesn't happen, any of that.  What is happening, more slowly, is climate change and people are already dying because of it.  

We see it coming but aren't willing to do simple things that could mitigate the danger.  This is a real problem and we should activate all those well regulated militias to help stop it.  Of course they can't shoot it but they can set examples.  

Of course we all know they aren't well regulated and aren't really militias.

They just like guns.

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