Monday, July 12, 2021

Whom Do You Trust?

 If you assume the current craziness over the last election is a temporary period of insanity, the main political difference between the Republican party and the Democratic party is Republicans think helping rich people is better than helping poor people.

By helping I mean providing economic benefits.

The theory is that certain worthy and innovative people grow the economy and create jobs for others.  Removing impediments and providing some economic incentives will ultimately help everyone.  

Democrats feel that the people who are at the bottom of the food chain need the help, and since they will spend the money on needed thing it will help the economy also.

The problem with the first approach is that it has never been proven to work and to whatever extent it does work it may very well benefit only favored groups.  It can be called trickle down but it generally results in the rich getting richer.  There have been times when industry was forced to add things like health insurance and pensions to attract workers, but is that a reliable strategy?

Providing those things to all citizens would be fairer.

The number of people benefitting from those type of benefits has been shrinking as companies shed benefits to stay competitive.  

This reliance on corporate benefits is hardly fair.  

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