Sunday, July 11, 2021

Vaccines are Working and Safe

 Its pretty clear that the new cases of Covid 19 are almost totally among the unvaccinated.  Unfortunately because of the vaccines being available we are seeing more and more restrictions being lifted for everybody and we have a more contagious variant.  This is leading to a higher infection rate among the unvaccinated.

If you have been safe and/or lucky u to this point your risk is escalating.  The simple answer is to get the vaccine and the idea that the vaccine is risky is hard to sustain.  

When I see people asked why they won't get the vaccine the responses fall into two categories.  One group maintains that Covid isn't real or not dangerous and why take something for it?  I guess not believing the statistics is not going to change.  

The other group is essentially afraid of the vaccine side effects.  There were some minor ones that in the scheme of things got a lot of media attention but really didn't do much.  It is true that there might be some longer term issues but that is both unlikely and unknowable.  The immediate risk of getting Covid is so much more relevant.

There also seems to be a degree of stubbornness involved as some people decided early on they weren't going to get the experimental vaccine and are sticking by that decision.

Well we have enough evidence that the vaccines work, have few side effects and there is a dangerous highly infectious variant spreading.  

Its pretty simple, get the vaccine or probably get the virus.

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