Saturday, July 10, 2021

Safety is a Government Responsibility

 I think of myself as a libertarian meaning I would like less Government interference in my personnel life.  However when it comes to things that I would have no way of overseeing, like the safety of our foods I think Government is essential.

I don't think the Government should be involved in what I think, worship, date, etc, etc.  These are personnel issues and the overnment should stay out of them.  On the other hand the Government shouldn't tell me what to eat, they should tell me the food is safe.

Now for something like that we have two choices.  Let the seller tell us to trust him or have an independent group certify the food is safe.  Whether that group is part of the Government or an industry group doesn't matter if the industry group is truly independent and therefore effectively Government.

It would certainly be nice if everyone could be trusted but we all know better.  Financial gain is often the predominant factor.

Imposing standards and inspections to make sure we aren't being poisoned or put at risk is a task best performed by Government. 

I have no way to verify the products are safe without it. 

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