Thursday, July 8, 2021

Why So Afraid?

 I really have trouble understanding why people are convinced the Government is out to get them.  Now I do understand how people who do illegal things would worry but if you are following the law and simply living your life, the Government is not your enemy.

There are some who seem to think they have no say but of course they do if they vote.  If they don't vote they still do to some extent.  Voting doesn't give you total control, there are other voters but not voting takes away any input you might have.  Still no one is out to get you unless of course you did something wrong.

Governments are run by people and many of those people are pretty corrupt.  Politicians in general do pretty well for themselves and getting elected gives them power.  That power can lead to corruption and our system generally rewards the people with money who can influence the people in power.

However, why would those people be after you?

They probably don't even know you exist.

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