Friday, July 16, 2021

Civil Discourse?

 One of the things about our country is that in many ways it is multiple countries and they are held together by adherence to a single document, the constitution.  There are various differences, This isn't all that unusual in big countries but we are seeing the differences grow instead of blending.

Perhaps it was always like this.  It didn't seem so but our differences are highlighted for profit by media that sells sensationalism.  It seems a bit odd that we have a popular media outlet that says they are the only ones telling the truth and many believe them.

We pride ourselves in this country on freedom of speech and freedom of choice but it doesn't seem to run very deep.  If you disagree with either side you will be attacked (cancelled) and possibly hurt financially or socially. 

Cancelling is an interesting term and it seems like an exaggeration.  Being ruined because of past errors in not really new but with social media it seems quicker.  Of course caring what people say on social media is up to you, but it may affect your marketability.

You would think that all this communication on social media would help to blend the nation but instead it seems to have divided us more.  Honest two sided discussions are rare, mostly what we see are opinions for one side voiced vociferously.  If you object the normal tactic is to be abused, verbally and at times physically.  

Civility is not very evident.

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