Monday, July 19, 2021

Democracy and Government

 John Kennedy famously said in a speech, "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

This was reflecting the era following World War 2 when the country had survived the challenge of totalitarianism and was facing the threat of communism.  It also reflected the fact that he was the son of privilege who had served his country heroically, but who otherwise had reaped its benefits his whole life.

The Kennedys are among the elite families in this country thanks to Joseph Kennedy.  Having everything you could possibly want makes it easy to dedicate yourself to public service. Most of us don't have that luxury.

In the 60s many of us did feel that we could and we saw a period of altruistic behavior.  Still it didn't actually last, we saw greed take over and a situation where politicians decided they needed to milk the Government for self interest.

Government is the creation of its people, although generally not all of its people.  It should help those people with functions that are beyond the ability of individuals to perform.

As stirring as Kennedy's words were, they are in fact backwards.  The idea that the people should support the Government is not logical.  Government is a creation of the people.  It can not be greater than the people.

We know at times people are conflicted over the best solution.  The only way to decide Government behavior is true democracy.  

Government is there to serve the people, not a privileged few.  

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