Friday, July 2, 2021

Time Has Come to Act

 The collapse of the condo building in Miami is a real tragedy for the people lost and their families and already know that we won't know for a while what the real cause was, but it is at least likely it is related to the rising sea levels and impact on the foundation.  Sea water is corrosive but how big a contributor to this was it?

Miami and much of Florida is going to be severely impacted by climate change as the ocean rises.  The issue this raises is how seriously they react to this.  If I lived on the coastline I would be hoping the cause was a flaw in construction. 

Sadly despite being on the front lines of climate impact many Floridians are skeptical.  I think the science is starting to win but that remains to be seen.  

Once again this year we are seeing phenomena that are explained as events that only happen every 1000 years if ever climate wise.  Drought in the Southwest, extreme heat in the Northwest, early hurricanes in the East.  Once might see a trend as to why every year we seem to have extremes related to a warming earth and not random.  This is called a trend.

We need to take significant action to combat this and doing that will also help the economy while saving lives.

Why wait? 

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