Monday, July 5, 2021

Fooling Mother Nature Ends Badly

 There used to be an ad for an imitation butter that ended with the line "Its not nice to fool Mother Nature! It was a memorable commercial although I don't know if it sold much margarine.  

Of course you can't fool mother nature and everything we do gets reflected.  The earth has never been stable, the evidence shows many different stages over the millennia, ranging from a world covered in Water, one covered in Ice and various stages in between, like the one we are in.

These changes take place over time frames that generally make them irrelevant to short lived creatures like us.  The fact that they happened is demonstrated in the evidence as is the fact that we have had a number of extinction events in the past.  There is no reason to think we have seen the last of those.

In fact we might be the cause of the current extinction event.  We may also be its victims.

In the last month we have seen extreme heat in areas of North America that have never been that hot, and some people died.

We can only survive in a certain temperature range and heat can be deadly.  Since we are also causing the oceans to rise as the Glaciers melt we may very well have seen one of the early impacts of that as substructures of waterfront high-rises get weakened.  We are seeing historic drought in the Western part of the country and we are expecting another dangerous hurricane season.  The rest of the world is also feeling mother nature's wrath.

It not fake butter its the reintroduction of carbon that is the culprit.  Natural processes removed it from the atmosphere allowing our species to flourish.  

Maybe we abused that and a correction is coming?   

We still have time to act but it is getting late.

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