Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Some Opinions are Worthless

 One of the things that has happened in this country and I imagine around the world is that we now treat all opinions as sort of equal.

Well they aren't is one is based on actual expertise.

Just because he was able to reach millions of people on social media did not make Donald Trump and expert on anything.  In fact the evidence is clear he was more wrong than right.

His birther arguments were clearly wrong and I can't think of any opinion he had that was right.

Still, he managed to win in 2016 because of the lies spread about his opponent, primarily.

I'm mystified by the reaction to Hillary Clinton who has a long career of public service and achievement.  Still she was attacked so often that some of it seemed to stick, although to date I'm not aware of any sort of prosecution.

I was watching Rand Paul attack Dr. Fauci about some inanity.  I gather the NIH funded some research that led to a paper discussing the results of gene research where various viruses were combined.  Now Rand Paul considered that gain of function research.  No one with expertise agrees with him since the research was not trying to achieve gain of function.  Its possible to argue this point, I guess, but the scientists know what is going on while Paul is looking to establish blame.  I know who I believe.

This desire to find someone to blame seems misplaced.  Of course that seems to be the way the whole Republican agenda is going, find something to criticize and go all out.  One might be better served if they looked for solutions instead.

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