Friday, July 9, 2021

Being Safe

 Well the Hurricane/Tropical Storm passed by here in a hurry and didn't make a big impact, although if you lost power or had a tree fall on your house or car you may feel differently.

Our perspective on things is always related to how it impacts you personally.  Take crime.  The fear of crime is a big boost to our economy and yet despite the alarm systems and video doorbells criminals find a way.

Of course some crimes are mostly annoyances without much danger to you personally.  Take identity theft.  Horrible as the consequences can be you will not be physically injured.  

Violent crime is a different matter.  Obviously the violent part results in death or injury.  So we would like to see a reduction in all crime but especially the violent type.

Violent crime is generally not random with a few exceptions.  If someone decides to open fire in a mall or at a movie theatre, it becomes a matter of luck.  How to prevent that is problematic and possibly related to gun availability.  

The vast majority of violent crimes are not random.  Most victims knew their attackers or had a relationship with them.  Many are related to family members who "lose" it.  

Many of these crimes occur because the guns are readily available.  If you lose it with a nearby gun you may do something you regret for the rest of your life.  Up to you.

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