Friday, July 30, 2021

Missing The Joke?

 One of the things we have all probably experienced was a spoof.  Sometimes you are in on the joke and other times you are not. Some jokes are simply for fun and others not so much.

It just seems to me that we are seeing an elaborate spoof or practical joke being played on Republicans and the country.  I don't think it is simply for fun.  The inside group is playing the rest of the party for all the cash they can get and maybe just to see how far they can go.  

I think it is the cash driving them mainly.

Republican appeal to the majority of America has faded and doesn't seem to be coming back.  However they have a significant group of desperate people who want to reestablish restrictive moral and return to the days of white supremacy  Some inroads look like they are being made and just a few donations more might result in victory.

Maybe they will, but I'm convinced the leadership of the party knows better.  They want to get as much money as they can while they can.  

The result of the last election are really not in dispute and while they managed to nominate "conservative" Supreme Court Justices, those people did go to law school and generally had fairly distinguished careers, whatever their personal beliefs were.  The are unlikely to ignore the precedents and simply undo the work of their predecessors.  

We also see American attitudes towards things change over time.  Gay marriage, alternative life styles and other social attitudes are not what they were 20 years ago.  

The spoof will continue as long as the donations flow.

America will however wise up.

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