Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Future

 If you think of the America of a hundred years from now what do you imagine?

Do you want a country where some people are given advantages over others?

Where wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few while everyone else struggles?

Where health care is not available for many?

Where getting an education requires a lifetime of debt?

Where much of our coastline and western regions are effectively uninhabitable due to Climate Change?

Where everyone has to conform to the religious views of the majority?

If not we need to elect people who recognize the dangers of the present and build the future.

Converting to green energy to try to stem the harm of climate change.

Fixing our tax system to allow for great success but a sharing of the burden among those who can best afford it.

Making sure opportunities like education are provided to all without unreasonable expense.

Police who respect the rights of all our citizens and who use force in very limited circumstances.

Allowing everybody to live their best life.

Health care for all without fear of the cost.

New infrastructure to support the needs of business and individuals.

The America we believed we lived in, lets make it a reality.

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