Thursday, July 29, 2021

White Fantasy

 If you object to things being done by the Biden Administration, fine, we all have the right to have opinions.  However if your main objection is that he stole the election, get over it.  He demonstrably didn't and further he couldn't.

If you are being told that everything you see and hear in the mainstream media is lies, why would you believe that lie?  Somehow the country is being controlled by the "Deep State" and they are ignoring the will of the people.  No, and No.  The will of the people does not equate to what a group of white power  people think it should be.  Its the will of everybody.

I ran across a video on You Tube called "Am I the Only One" where in a catchy tune the singer talks about how upset he is by something.  He never details what it is but it involves the flag and our ancestors who served this country.  He mentions statues coming down in a town near you and my conclusion was that he is reaching out to other white people to object to diversity in America.  Well we've always had diversity and it has made us great.  In fact the song would make more sense if it was sung by someone who had real grievances.

Lets be real.  The current Republican agenda seems to be winning the votes of the declining white population and suppressing everyone else.  Make America great again was never about America, it was about White America.

There really isn't any racial division except for the irrelevant skin color.  To believ there is somethin better about white people in America tells me only one thing.  You think you are one of them.

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