Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Danger to Yourself and Others!

 Its pretty well established law that if you are infected with a deadly infectious disease the State can make you quarantine or impose a quarantine on you for public safety.

The State is responsible for the well being of all of its citizens and at times the rights of an individual must be sacrificed.  The rights of prisoners are clearly taken away but the crimes.  You might feel that prisoners are guilty of something but we clearly have chosen the level of punishment which can vary significantly between locations.

While not a law people are deciding not to get vaccinated which is hazardous behavior to both themselves and others.  That is one of the test to determine if mentally ill people can be detained.  In this case they would qualify. 

Some argue that the vaccines are only approved for emergency use which seems totally irrelevant to me.  This is a public health emergency so they are appropriate for use.  Further at is point we are developing a reliable history of safe usage.

There is the possibility of some long term effects that we don't know about. Since we don't know about them they might not exist or could even be beneficial impacts.  

I grew up in an era were young men were drafted into the Army whether they wanted to or not and many of those men were sent into combat with the very real risk of death.  A fair number of them did die.  Some objected as conscientious objectors and others fled the country.  The right of the individual are not always supreme

Get vaccinated or be subject to the consequences.  You friends and neighbors have selected you to receive a vaccine.  Its for the safety of everyone.

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