Monday, July 26, 2021

Need Reality Check

 We are in July and there are still people in this country who refuse to accept the certified election.   They seem to think that their fellow citizens cheat?  They were told this by a failed businessman turned reality tv star.  ?????? 

The idea that would believe this indicates a sad trend in America, and the World.  Lies spread easily while truth is slow.  The people spreading the lies most likely don't believe them.  They do it to raise money and cause outrage.  They hope this will lead to gains in the midterms.

Sadly they may succeed.  Most Americans tend to consider politics as a mystery unless they are directly impacted.   This had led to a situation where guests generations of people identify with the same party.  Issues are not that important unless one is.  For example if you are a farmer the farm subsidies and policies are important but most other programs are giveaways.

Generally many people vote for someone based on very little information.  I used to travel a lot and you notice certain things.  Scripts are clearly distributed based on party and you can hear the same message from a candidate in many states.  

This lack of interest can result in "safe" districts where winning a primary is a guarantee of winning an election.  It all comes down to a pretty small number of contested didtricts.

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