Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Important Issues are Simple

 Can we have a Government that works for all of us or is the country so divided that we can't?

Some issues like abortion seem too divisive but whether that is even a Government issue is the question?  Since it is primarily driven by people's religious beliefs it seems like Government should stay out of it.  Clearly one side disagrees with that.  But are social issues enough to divide us as a nation?

Some of the biggest issues revolve around things that might not even be true.  Some proponents of smaller Government object to actions the Government has never taken.  The actions they are taking are mostly not controversial.  

We have removed our troops from Afghanistan which is being criticized by certain pundits but not by the American public.  Why keep our young people there?

It reminds me of when we were mired in Vietnam keeping it free of Communism.  Well that didn't work and keeping it free of fundamentalists is unlikely to work either.  We live in a world where diverse societies live differently than we do.  When we see oppressed people we might want to let them work it out instead of interfering.

I think the news media harp too much on foreign affairs.  I want a Government that focuses on protecting its citizens from all threats whether domestic of foreign.  I also want a Government that ensures all Citizens share the same opportunities regardless of who they are, what they look like, what they believe or where they came from.  I want a country that works with a safe infrastructure, affordable education and a safety net for citizens who need it.  I want a country where health care and retirement security are available to all.

Is that too much to ask?

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