Sunday, July 12, 2020

All For One

There is  a narrative in this country along the lines of how our wonderful white American way of life being threatened by new darker non americans.  This was kicked off by the inflow of Latin Americans but it includes all non whites even though some of those had been here longer than many white immigrants.

How wonderful America was as it ruthlessly pursued manifest destiny is a subject for debate,
 but in this narrative it was a place where everybody had a good job a good house and a good family.

Apparently this wasn't acceptable to them who systematically started to destroy this America by shipping the jobs overseas, providing "welfare" to undeserving people and attacking the foundations of America.

Statistics and facts are manipulated, vaccines poison us, schools indoctrinate us and our flag and police disrespected.

The people doing this  get identified as "the liberals" although if you think about it they really have no motive.  

Some of these things are simply not true while other are the result of business decisions and automation.  Others are likely the result of Russian cyberattacks.  They may have lost the cold war but this approach is cheaper.

Somehow we need to fix this.  Americans need to understand the despite superficial differences we all cherish the same things.  The police are here to maintain order, not to keep one group of Americans away from others.

It's time to realize black lives matter is a cry for help, not a threat.

We certainly can support the blue while demanding they treat all Americans with dignity.

It's time we realized that we are all in this together.

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