Saturday, July 4, 2020

Country Was Born In Protest and Riots

About 250 years ago the British military used excessive force to beat back a group of protestors on the streets of Boston.  The unruly protestors had engaged in various acts of civil disobedience and included angry protests, looting British stores and physical skirmishes. On February 22 a mob was looting a store when a British official in a version of stand your ground discharged his weapon killing an 11 year old boy and enraging the colonists who apparently thought colonist lives mattered.
It came to a head on March 5 1770 when an unruly mob attacked a British soldier on guard at the custom house.  The incident escalated more protestors and soldiers showed up and eventually shots were fired into the crowd killing five including an American of mixed race.  This was the start of further troubles that resulted in the birth of our country.  Read about it here Boston Massacre .
The soldiers were put on trial and mostly acquitted although two were convicted of manslaughter and punished.
We know the history or should where the "Sons of Liberty" continued to protest eventually throwing perfectly good tea into the harbor, and resisting the British until hostilities broke out at Lexington and Concord.
We were born out of protests and vandalism so it is in our blood when we spot injustice.
I guess those who oppose it regret the fact we kicked the British out.
For the rest of us, Happy Independence Day and be safe from the fireworks and the virus!

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