Saturday, July 11, 2020

Product Recall Time!

The simple fact is that Covid 19, while deadly, does not have the impact of previous diseases.  Somehow a virus that is the enemy of everybody has become politicized.

It just seems like the way we overcame enemies in the past was to work together until it was over.  Now somehow people question the validity of scientific opinion about the best way to defeat the virus.
Of course the direction should be set by the leader of our country but his credibility is pretty shot.  Seeing him on his daily highly rated but generally ridiculous briefings on the virus left everyone, or at least almost everyone convinced he was only concerned with how the whole thing reflected on him.
It never occurred to him that effective leadership and solutions that would reduce infections and deaths would be a good reflection on him.
He has pinned his hopes on a economy that wasn't as good as he said it was but wasn't terrible.
More infections, more deaths, OK as long as everyone got back to work and improved his election chances.
So we ended up in a political debate about when to open the economy, whether to wear masks, would the virus disappear or was it a hoax, how much is China at fault, the World Health Organization being wrong, and what about certain drugs that he touted?
Well he was generally wrong on the ones we can determine and is likely wrong on all of them.
The results are in the pudding and the surge in cases now being followed by a surge in deaths is not the way to make a tasty pudding.
He now wants to reopen the schools even where the virus is rampaging.  Schools need to figure out the best way to give lessons and provide safe classrooms.  The children are not a bunch of lab rats we can experiment on. 
He is supposed to be a Republican and one of the main things Republicans promote is States Rights and local control.  He doesn't seem to have gotten the message.  It illustrates that while he used the Republicans to run for President he has almost no real credential on their core issues. 
He is and always has been a party of one, supporting himself as a product.  Time to recall it for defective ingredients.

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