Monday, July 6, 2020

Inner City Crime Exists

Well guns don't kill people they are used to kill people. Interestingly i have seen certain people apparently outraged by the amount of crime in some inner cities.

I guess they weren't paying attention until this year. 

Think they were unaware that drug use and gang membership is pervasive in some areas. 

Pointing out black on black violence doesn't justify police brutality.

It's pretty clear that our efforts to fix inner cities and reduce drug use haven't worked.  It's not a new problem and the solution isn't obvious.  One tactic has been to gentrify their neighborhoods forcing residents to find new accomodations.

This doesn't solve anything but we create hipster enclaves who mostly don't carry guns or join gangs, although they have certain symbols they sport.

The idea is that this problem can be solved if we simply fund the police like we have been doing instead of diverting some funds to people trained to deal with some of these problems.  Since the police frequently complain they are not social workers it might be better.

Of course until we solve the underlying issues that create these problems it just applying band aids.

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